Message from Christ

You build on the NEW WORLD without visible success, you create, spend yourself and are a lighthouse in the surf, but inwardly sometimes the forces fail you. Thrown back to the supposed ground of reality, the reality that you have already created may not open up to you. As if you were missing something, the last igniting spark, the last inspiration or initiation – as if GOD then, when you need HIM most, was absent. For the people you are a light, in yourself you cannot always perceive the light. So you burn out, little by little your star seems to fade – and your boundless love reaches limits. Today I have come to you to transmit to you the gift of living Christ Consciousness. The heart within the heart brings you life force and wisdom, love and light to an unprecedented extent.

photo credit: Andrea Percht

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
  German original:
  Lichtwelt Verlag Telegram 

Initiation into the Living Christ Consciousness

The great change

Heaven and earth will exchange places, where there are deserts today, there will be fertile land, and where wars and injustice determine events today, there will be peace for a long, long time.

Everything is subject to the great change, because man becomes human again and returns to his origin. This process is taking place now. Today it is time for you to free yourselves from the remnants of the earthly dramas and from the karmic actions and reactions that still exist.

The time has come when you are to become an empty vessel – a vessel into which GOD can pour HIS GRACE until you, overflowing with it, can be the light and the way for the people.

Beloved are you for your courage, for your strength and love of truth!

Beloved are you that you engage in your life, that you always throw yourself into battle and confront inner and outer demons.

I am in the midst of you, I am with you, O human, who you now do what I once did, and who you all too often are hardly aware of the extent of your salutary work.

All too often you doubt and you are depressed. Mood swings hinder you in your lightful doing and so it seems as if you and the whole world are treading water. The old does not want to give way and the new still seems far away. When you have to cope with setbacks or when your strength dwindles, everything you believe in evaporates – or so it seems.

The igniting spark

You are a Warrior of the Light and a Light Being, a light messenger and a light anchor for many people, but sometimes you are haunted by discouragement and hopelessness.

You build on the NEW WORLD without visible success, you create, spend yourself and are a lighthouse in the surf, but inwardly sometimes the forces fail you. Thrown back to the supposed ground of reality, the reality that you have already created may not open up to you.

As if you were missing something, the last igniting spark, the last inspiration or initiation – as if GOD then, when you need HIM most, was absent. For the people you are a light, in yourself you cannot always perceive the light. So you burn out, little by little your star seems to fade – and your boundless love reaches limits.

Today I have come to you to transmit to you the gift of living Christ Consciousness. The heart within the heart brings you life force and wisdom, love and light to an unprecedented extent.

Indestructible and imperishable is your divine consciousness, and today you will be connected to it once and for all, so that you can form a living unity with the Christ within you.


Who or what is the CHRIST in YOU?

The CHRIST in YOU awakens, as soon as you have accepted your reality as a universal being, which alone serves GOD THE CREATOR.

Hear well – assumed – that means more than accepting, it means to become one with that what you are. It is about this acceptance of the unity in GOD that this transmission and the following initiation are about.

The Christ Consciousness is the heart within the heart, created on the subtle plane and inserted into your etheric body. This energetic operation is an intervention in your energy system, in your being – and is given as an initiation. No one can or needs to ask for it, it happens when the time is right. It is given as soon as the person is in tune with the omniscient soul and his spiritual life plan.

To attain the Christ Consciousness is not a philosophical, religious or esoteric concept, but is a very practical process that makes two hearts out of one. Only then does a person become complete, and only then has he irrevocably walked the path of light.

How much light can you carry, how much love can you pass on? What do you still possess when you give everything away? Do you remain a full vessel, a bubbling spring – no matter how many people quench their spiritual thirst with you?

This is the effect of this gift. For he who is endowed with the heart of the living Christ Consciousness is a fountain that never runs dry, is a vessel that, no matter how much one draws from it, always overflows.

Who is blessed with this gift, he receives everything – in abundance – from GOD.

Christ Consciousness in Action

Until now you had to be sparing with your energies, now you can waste them, because truly: EVERYTHING is given to you for EVERYONE. This is the living Christ Consciousness in action.

Where there was doubt, there is now trust – and where hopelessness caused unrest, certainty now stands firm like a rock.

The living Christ Consciousness cancels the inner contradictions, creates lasting peace and guarantees the deep inner orientation on GOD.

The Christ Consciousness is awakened by the etheric heart and now the people, whom it concerns, are tuned in to it. This process happens in the omniscience of your soul and in the wisdom of GOD. The heart in the heart cannot be asked for. What you can do now is to free yourself from every expectation. Thus speak:

“Lord, thy will be done!”

That is what matters now – to remain free of any expectation and let it happen.

For not he who cries, “Lord, here I am!” will attain the kingdom of heaven, but he who fulfills the will of GOD will share in HIS grace.

How do you get certainty if this initiation concerns you? You always find certainty in yourself. Certainty is a spiritual process, something that happens between YOU and GOD. Certainty is given. You will see it yourself and experience it yourself.

If GOD inscribes itself into your life, then this leaves a lasting impression.

Once that is done, the end of all doubt has come, nothing and no one can throw you off track.

The day you open yourself unconditionally to GOD is the day – and this day has come for many people who are here today and for many who will follow this message at a later time. I have the mission to pick you up where you are today, so that you can continue your journey into the light. What you lacked is now given, what you need is now transferred to you: strength, power, knowledge, certainty and love in the constant flow of life.

The initiation begins


You know that it concerns you, you know when the hour for it comes later. All knowledge lies within you.


Let happen what can happen, do not force, but expect GOD at every hour.


Pause …

You have received this gift. You were led here for a good reason.

You are now in the right place at the right time. You have allowed yourself to be guided by your inner voice, which passes on the messages of your soul to you as an echo.

The living Christ Consciousness is established in you. Now you can give yourself away.

The miracle

Your energies remain with you and you remain in your full power. It is a miracle: what once flowed sparingly now exists in unlimited abundance, where you once had to hold back your energies in order not to harm yourself, limitations no longer exist. What you give flows back to you. From now on you are fed directly from the source, the invisible power of the creator is effective in you and this has an effect.

JJK: How can individuals now find out in a very practical way whether they have received this initiation or whether it is yet to come?

Is there a method to this or does it show itself clearly to each person in an individual way?

CHRIST: The vast majority of people who have been and will be led to this message will receive this gift of initiation. A small number of interested but not yet ready people are subsequently attuned to it.

Once this subtle intervention has taken place, it does not go unnoticed by anyone. There are two phenomena:

1. an indescribable feeling of well-being in the heart area, which is perceived as expansion – noticeable in daily life.

2. the changed perception and a significant increase of vitality – noticeable in daily life.

If that is not enough for you, and for some it is not enough, then pay attention to your dreams and to the signs that life itself reveals to you. Everything is given to you – everything.

Through this initiation, a source of energy that never runs dry has been established in you. You can now generate life force from within yourself and you no longer need a substitute. Persevering or giving a process the time it needs now becomes easy, as you can no longer become mentally, emotionally and spiritually discouraged or unsettled.

Blessed is …

Vacations and holidays, as beautiful as they are, retreats and seminars, as valuable as they were, or wise spiritual teachers and gurus could only bring you temporary relief, orientation and security. As soon as daily life had you again, you were taken over by daily life and the matrix had you again! This is now over and a truly new era has dawned for you – the self-determined and self-confident donating of unconditional love:

• Blessed is he who can expect this and let it happen.

• Blessed is he who gives everything and suffers no lack.

• Blessed is he who knows GOD, for to him GOD is the greatest servant.

Beloved humans,

Take time for your inner processes, because only from within can you change the world.

Do not get involved in a game that neither serves nor interests you. If a fight is forced upon you, then act according to your inner promptings. Never linger too long on the battlefield! The only boundary you have to draw today is the boundary to old conditionings that keep you in the old game.

Be aware now that with today’s initiation you have attained a new status:

•Your inner connection with GOD is resilient and remains stable.

• You can enjoy love and give it away.

• You take responsibility for your life and the life entrusted to you.

This is the result of constant Consciousness work: the heart is uncovered and love can flow. It is your birth into Christ Consciousness.

It is revealed to you.

In the I you are in me and am I in you.

This is the video of the current Light Reading, which is held in German.

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Inhaltsübersicht & Zeitleiste

🎧 Hier zur MP3


0:00:00 Inanspruchnahme deiner Macht! (Bewusstseinsarbeit)

0:22:00 Das Ende wird der neue Anfang sein! (Live-Botschaft)

0:36:10 Kurzpräsentation von Neuauflagen 

30 Tore zur Erleuchtung 

Kurs zur Freiheit

Atmar – Jenseits aller Konzepte 

0:43:30 Aura-Chirurgie

0:49:10 Wir schreiben ein Buch!

0:53:45 Telos 

0:58:25 Die Engel der Heilung haben mit ihrer Arbeit begonnen!

1:03:40 Kommen die Corona-Maßnahmen und KI

1:14:00 Entspannter Umgang mit “Fehlern”

1:16:45 Welchen Kräften sind Politiker in hohen Positionen ausgesetzt?

1:21:10 Glaubenssätzen auf der Spur

1:25:00 Vergebung vs. Rache; Was, wenn alles gefälscht ist?

1:28:40 Kämpfst du mit dem Begriff “GOTT?”

1:34:50 Ukraine, Gaza, Israel – alles Karma?

1:43:40 Befragung des Seelenorakels

1:48:20 Die Kunst des Lebens 

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