Conversation with Master St. Germain
Then, when doubt germinates and when fears arise, it is necessary to remain oriented, to nourish the certainty that everything happens in the right divine timing, that is the art that is required of you today. Otherwise this time of waiting and expecting can hardly be mastered. For in all your doing and being, it is now above all a matter of mustering the necessary patience for the last meters in the change, the last meters before it becomes light before the sublime time spreads all its magic before you.

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
From the German original:
When will heaven put its foot down?
When is “soon”?
JJK: Young people will also wake up, since events are given for it, it was said in the discussion “The last generation” from 23.4.2023. I ask now again the question of the questions: When is “soon”? I see how the people who have been dealing with the change for a long time, who are working for it and fighting for it using all their strength, are running out of steam. I want to address this again today because I see how important this question is for many people. So when does it happen that the light at the end of the tunnel really becomes visible?
MASTER ST. GERMAIN: It happens when the time is right – and that moment in time is imminent. The question is significant, but much more significant is that you are inwardly sustained by the certainty that everything is being fulfilled according to GOD’s plan on this world and on all worlds. A human life is short in time and many events cannot be accomplished and experienced during a human life.
Thus we are born again, again and again, until what we have recorded in our universal blueprint as human beings and as humanity is fulfilled.
What is important to understand is that what I and the light-filled spiritual world have been talking to you about for years will be fulfilled in this epoch that is now.
Not all people who were involved in the change and who contributed with all their strength will perceive the great kingdom of peace in this their human existence. They will be taken away before that time, having fulfilled and often overfulfilled their assignments.
From a higher perspective, it is not a matter of experiencing the golden age as a human being, but of having played and taken one’s part in this process alone. Everything is one and as soon as man takes off the earthly garment, human categories have no meaning and no significance anymore.
The timing of God
The difficulty for man is to take this superior perspective during his existence on earth, even in difficult hours.
Then, when doubt germinates and when fears arise, it is necessary to remain oriented, to nourish the certainty that everything happens in the right divine timing, that is the art that is required of you today. Otherwise this time of waiting and expecting can hardly be mastered. For in all your doing and being, it is now above all a matter of mustering the necessary patience for the last meters in the change, the last meters before it becomes light before the sublime time spreads all its magic before you.
JJK: I myself do not know this impatience. I always think to myself that I’m doing my work and everything else will just be added, then, when it’s simply given.
I have experienced this myself too many times to doubt the “divine timing”.
Also, whether I still experience the golden age in this life is completely “in-different” for me. GOD directs and I act according to purest conscience and best discretion. However, I see that a lot of people are becoming impatient because they have been waiting for the change for a very long time. With all the efforts that the change demands of us, we are still waiting for the “word of power from heaven.” In essence, it is a matter of recognizing, based on external events, that the train toward the New Earth has really picked up speed. But not everyone can perceive this. Some people simply need these signs from heaven, these have been announced to us for years – but they always say “soon”, “shortly” or “in near future”. So when really?
The ONE event
MASTER ST. GERMAIN: To tell you the day or the hour for the ONE event would instantly rob you of your energy.
Most people would go into the waiting position and make hasty wrong decisions.
They would not spend time or energy on their own transformation. A publicly announced date would confuse and worry people more than the long wait would tire them. The important thing to understand is that this ONE event is brought about by your inner transformation. Through your transformational work, you are drawing this moment in human history into your reality.
The closer you get to your true inner core, the stronger your self-awareness becomes and the deeper you penetrate into your divinity, the more compelling become the events that have correspondence to your becoming conscious. Your inner growth is the prerequisite for every outer event. The INSIDE and the OUTSIDE are interdependent and so you are now being subjected to this great test: To weed in the vineyard of God until the great harvest can be reaped.
GOD knows the day and the hour.
Your task is to live your missions with complete dedication, to remain firmly anchored in today, here and now, and not to let yourself be put to sleep by the “thought-cinema” around a still vague future or to be led off course.
Go on your path of transformation, become complete in yourself – and time has no more power over you! When will it be? When your development coincides with time.
Mastering impatience means moving in the timeless reality of GOD. Questions and answers then no longer have any meaning because you know: Everything will be given in due time.
In infinite love I am with you with the violet-golden flame of transformation.
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