Conversation with Master St. Germain
Everything is possible between heaven and earth – and GOD makes everything possible if it is necessary for you and if it serves the highest welfare of your development.

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
From the German original:
Simply weird!
JJK: Yesterday in the evening, it was already dark, I had a weird experience. On the way from Vienna to Falkenstein I missed a piece of road. And it came like this. I was driving along a stretch of road that I have driven hundreds of times and know every kilometer by heart. I am just before the ASFINAG checkpoint. (This is the highway and expressway financing stock company, which is responsible for the planning, construction, operation and tolling of the Austrian highway and expressway network). This section, which is about 2 kilometers long, is easy to spot from a distance, especially in the dark, because there are a lot of wind turbines in this area and in the evening the red signal lights blink conspicuously at drivers. So, I drive towards this section, but I see neither a wind turbine nor their lights flashing. Long ago I should have passed the place, when I find myself a moment later about 4-6 kilometers further, already directly before the exit “Poysdorf south”. Incredibly, to this day I have not a single memory of having passed through the ASFINAG checkpoint that evening. What was going on, a crack in time?
MASTER ST. GERMAIN: It happened like when you were able to experience what it felt like to be invisible. Here you were shown how it feels to be lifted out of the time-space continuum. You were shifted to a level where there is neither time nor space – therefore no perception of it.
JJK: Shifted by car?
MASTER ST. GERMAIN: Shifted with your consciousness while your earthly I meanwhile continued the route missed by you.
JJK: Weird. Why was I given this experience?
MASTER ST. GERMAIN: So that you can feel and understand that really everything is possible.
Everything is possible between heaven and earth – and GOD makes everything possible if it is necessary for you and if it serves the highest welfare of your development.
And you have experienced it, so that you bear witness to people, because the shifts of “time spaces” are now increasing and will reach previously unattained forms. Many people today have the feeling that time passes quickly and then again very slowly, then many people can no longer estimate distances well, they fall over stairs, do not perceive sliding doors, bump their feet or hit their head somewhere. All this because distances can no longer be correctly estimated intuitively, as the time-space structure expands. In this way, you become accustomed to the phenomenon of the suspension of time and space. You are slowly being lifted out of time and space in the midst of daily life, that is what is happening now. So don’t be surprised if certain moments in your life feel very new.
With this insight be sure: You are protected and accompanied on all levels. However, the new must first be learned and accepted, accepted by your consciousness conditioned to time and space.
JJK: One last question, is there no danger for traffic or for me?
MASTER ST. GERMAIN: No! Because the earthly Jahn drove on as usual. You are many and were lifted up during the journey to the higher vibrating version of yourself …
JJK: Yes, I already had a vision twice that I am many …and how many, as far as that can be clear, is also clear to me. Thank you.
MASTER ST. GERMAIN: No one needs to concern themselves with it nor slip into fears because it just happens, and it happens in a way that you don’t expect and when you don’t expect it.
So, it is ensured that you stay relaxed and go along with the situation and resonate. Everyone and everything is taken care of, everything and everyone is thought of.
I am with you.
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