Message from Archangel Michael

You have the choice to invite GOD permanently into your life or to welcome GOD as a stranger in your life now and then. Today, a direct, intact and constant connection to the DIVINE is the key to a meaningful and providentially sustained life. How can you explain to yourself what is happening on earth at present? How is that what now takes place, changes and transforms, to be mastered differently than with GOD as your ally at your side? How long do you still want to walk alone and choose disoriented detours? Choose GOD and you have decided everything what is to decide for a human being all his life.

photo credit: Andrea Percht

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
From the German original:

Receiving Divine Guidance

What is to be considered?

Divine guidance is given to every human being. Anyone who asks for this guidance is given it. What is it that you need to consider? What is it that allows you to experience and live this guidance in everyday life?

Your constant connection and communication with God brings everything on the way. Many people turn only in exceptional cases or emergencies to God. They expect themselves then a miracle if all possibilities are exhausted and if all ropes tear. It happens that miracles arise and that you are given. However, in the daily life GOD is for a lot of people still a stranger, as if your affairs were unknown to GOD and as if GOD was not familiar to your heart.

The visible and noticeable perception of the guidance of God in your life happens as soon as you connect yourself permanently with God.

GOD is the key

You have the choice to invite GOD permanently into your life or to welcome GOD as a stranger in your life now and then.

Today, a direct, intact and constant connection to the DIVINE is the key to a meaningful and providentially sustained life.

How can you explain to yourself what is happening on earth at present? How is that what now takes place, changes and transforms, to be mastered differently than with GOD as your ally at your side? How long do you still want to walk alone and choose disoriented detours?

Choose GOD and you have decided everything what is to decide for a human being all his life.

This is my message to you today, beloved human being: to live with GOD, to ask GOD for direct intervention and to align yourself according to the guidance of GOD.

More is not to be done. Your soul does not demand more from you than that you open yourself more and more to God throughout your life.

HIS glory is YOUR glory, HIS power is YOUR power and HIS love is THE stream that feeds you on all planes of your being – so also on earth.

Beloved you are, honored and carried by the ONE strength, the ONE power, the ONE love – God.

I am always with you. The sword is my strength, the truth my power and to illuminate to you the way to GOD is my service.


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