Message from Babaji
The old systems are breaking down and the standardized life in bondage is dissolving. With every person who takes the law of action into his hands, the still prevailing system – like old walls – develops cracks. This erosion is in full swing, the tipping point will soon be reached. Humanity comes into its own soul power and people reflect on themselves. This is the way of the warrior, the path of the masters who were born on earth at that time.

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
From the German original:
Humanity rules!
Realignment of human cells
Humanity rules! People become human again and the dark, loveless and inhuman age comes to an end!
Gone is the time of coldness, hopelessness and fear. What is happening now is the energetic transformation of the earth – and through this, people are also being transformed in all their limbs.
It happens imperceptibly at first. The cells of the people are flooded by light-filled energies until they are aligned with the light of GOD. If this state is reached in the human being, then the perception of the human being begins to change – and it is the perception of the human being which also changes everything in the outside.
What we experience at present on earth is the change of the perception of the human being. Only by this a leap of consciousness is possible!
It happens that people become more receptive to the light-filled and positive visions – and they start to turn away from the false prophets of the end times.
Through the realignment of human cells, people begin to understand what power and strength is inherent in them and they stop viewing themselves as victims or feeling like pawns of invisible forces. This changes everything!
Awakening of the soul power
The first signs of this are clearly visible today. More and more people are coming into their own and more and more people want to take their destiny into their own hands.
The belief in institutions and authorities dwindles to the extent that a person understands himself as an authority and begins to live courageously from within himself.
Now the miracle of the inner transformation of more and more people is happening.
It can no longer be stopped, for the process of becoming conscious has progressed further than is apparent to the eye.
The old systems are breaking down and the standardized life in bondage is dissolving. With every person who takes the law of action into his hands, the still prevailing system – like old walls – develops cracks. This erosion is in full swing, the tipping point will soon be reached.
Humanity comes into its own soul power and people reflect on themselves. This is the way of the warrior, the path of the masters who were born on earth at that time.
Your tasks receive validity!
Go on courageously!
Stay true to your inner visions of a New Earth with humanity connected in love!
Those forces that must leave the stage of this world now are doing everything they can to torpedo your efforts and endeavors!
Do not let this impress nor discourage you! Continue to walk the path of the light courageously, know God at your side and me who I am BABAJI – working in the daily life of your life.
Everything is evident to me! I know your motives, I know your heart, I know your needs and I know your tasks.
Trust the flow of life and the goal you have set for yourself for this life. Trust your inner impulses more than all calls from outside! Go your way, even in the face of resistance. This is the quality that is needed now.
For even as more and more people find their humanity, the opposing forces remain, and they have the potential to bring down wavering Warriors of the Light until the very end.
Connect yourself with GOD and form a unity with me, who I am BABAJI. Then the protection is certain to you and your tasks attain validity on earth.
Beloved are you for all eternity, for I know YOU!
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