Message from God

Many people are waiting for the change, waiting for the upheaval, waiting for the signs of heaven and they are waiting for the intervention of the powers of heaven. Many people give up their own responsibility and let themselves be put to sleep by reports that light-filled powers will take care of the ascension. I tell you: Without your active co-creation and without your consciousness work there is no ascent for you – nowhere.

photo credit: Andrea Percht

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
From the German original:

Is God with me?

Life is an adventure

The waves calm down, the sky clears up and peace returns to your soul.

After a passed adventure, life continues on the next plane. The lessons learned are integrated and new things are tackled. This is how a human life is shaped, for a human life is one thing above all: an adventure.

So do not worry when it storms, when the sky darkens above you, when there is no way forward and when it seems as if there is no way out.

Mastering difficult situations means waiting for the solution with the necessary patience and making it possible through perseverance and persistence.

Never give up, especially on the spiritual path this is not an option.

Align yourself always completely to GOD, bring HIS grace into your life, by longing in your heart daily for GOD.

However the times may be, whether good or less refreshing, always rely on GOD – and you will push the gate for miracles wide open in the end.

Never wait for difficult hours to enter into relationship with God. Be free and frank to put God in the center in daily life.

The ascent

This time is about the ascent of humanity into the 5th dimension. Is this a place, a plane of being, a realm to which you are beamed?

Beloved human,
it is the realm of your consciousness that needs to be discovered.

For the ascension happens while your feet are touching this earth floor and occurs in the midst of daily activities.

No one will pick you up and take you to the place of bliss, but it is you yourself who will enter those spaces of consciousness where bliss awaits you.

Many people are waiting for the change, waiting for the upheaval, waiting for the signs of heaven and they are waiting for the intervention of the powers of heaven. Many people give up their own responsibility and let themselves be put to sleep by reports that light-filled powers will take care of the ascension. I tell you: Without your active co-creation and without your consciousness work there is no ascent for you – nowhere.

It is up to you – and so you decide to attain everything with GOD and to be everything through GOD, then you are at the direct ascent path, the way of no return.

This is the only worthwhile goal of those people who are saturated with the old game and no longer consider new games.

The only question

If you are of this nature, then you do not care about ascension, for your only concern is: IS GOD WITH ME?

Who dives deeply into this reality, is rewarded with certainty and strengthened with confidence. Who really gets involved in GOD, he has only one question: IS GOD WITH ME?

I tell you: GOD is always with you and is closest to you when the sky clouds over and a new storm comes up.

In the heart you bear GOD, in the soul GOD nourishes you and your spirit is enlightened by GOD.

What is there more in a human life than to have discovered God for oneself?

Then you have access to all spaces of your consciousness. Then you lift yourself out of the limitations to which a person to whom these doors remain closed is subjected throughout his life.

With God you succeed in life. With GOD everything is possible. With God you own everything.

In infinite love GOD

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