Message from Babaji
Awakened ones – who pull together, who intervene together in the destiny of humanity – form the core force of change. This awakened one is you. There is no one besides you, next to you, behind you, or in front of you who is more important to the change than you. Now the point is that you grow into this truth, that this fact becomes your self-understanding and that you transform powerlessness into power. When awakened people unite, they can overcome anything and put an end to any condition. No one in the universe is equal to an awakened person.

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
From the German original:
The gardener of your heart
My request to you!
Stand together, stick together, work together – in the community lies achievement and success!
Beloved human,
Ask yourself what contribution you can make to the change? Ask yourself what influence you can have on the developments? And ask yourself how it is possible to fully step out of the victim role?
For one thing is abundantly clear: You are still too little aware of your power!
Therefore, I urge you to courageously take your life into your own hands now. Neither should you blame anyone for anything, nor should you pass on the responsibility for this or that to the ungracious fate.
Take total responsibility for your life, and life will respond to you in unimaginably fulfilling ways.
Great things have always been created by individuals who were aware of their power. And today? Today, the greatest upheaval of all times must be brought about. This can only happen when you become self-aware and subsequently unite.
The core force of change
Awakened ones – who pull together, who intervene together in the destiny of humanity – form the core force of change. This awakened one is you. There is no one besides you, next to you, behind you, or in front of you who is more important to the change than you.
Now the point is that you grow into this truth, that this fact becomes your self-understanding and that you transform powerlessness into power.
When awakened people unite, they can overcome anything and put an end to any condition. No one in the universe is equal to an awakened person.
This seed of awareness is now being planted in your hearts – by me, who I am BABAJI.
There are times of rest, times of work, and times of ascent – human’s ascent to his true greatness, power, and beauty.
So far and no further – the dark forces are aware of that. However, until today their circles were only slightly disturbed. Now it is different. Everything is changing, the wind has changed and the game is turning.
It happens that …
So it happens that you create new growth, that you become more and more aware of your own power and live it in front of people.
Now you will be prepared for it. Step by step realization follows realization, fears fade away, worries give way and DOUBT no longer asks you WHY.
The “TREADING WATER” is over. Who and what you are appears.
I am the gardener of your heart. Awaken shall you human to your true greatness and blossom in all your beauty.
I am with you, now and forever.
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