Message from Sai Baba

What it is about is: to live your life in and with God. Let the others reap the harvest and give away the fruits of your work to the people who want to turn on in the wheel of the time, like playing children. Lose the ties to this world and lose the ties to success! Then you are free and become true to yourself. To act free of intention and leave the fruits of your labor to those who need this nourishment for their continued journey, that is the master class.


Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
From the German original:

The master class

Appearances and departures

Beloved humans,

do not squint at the fruits of your work – do and be, leave everything else to GOD!

In all your endeavors listen to your inner voice and follow your deep longing for God!

The appearances and departures, the coming and going from incarnation to incarnation can come to an end today when you do and are without expecting a reward for it.

When is an intention pure, when are you free of intent? When you live and follow your tasks, when your inner voice rules and the noise of the environment is no longer relevant.

Whether you are admired or despised, whether you are carried on hands or have stones thrown at you, whether you are understood or remain misunderstood –that is insignificant for you, who you love God.

What it is about is: to live your life in and with God. Let the others reap the harvest and give away the fruits of your work to the people who want to turn on in the wheel of the time, like playing children. Lose the ties to this world and lose the ties to success! Then you are free and become true to yourself.

To act free of intention and leave the fruits of your labor to those who need this nourishment for their continued journey, that is the master class.

For you have everything, you own GOD.


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