Conversation with Master St. Germain

If you want to pick someone up, pick yourself up from where you are now and go with yourself to where you want to go. Don’t worry about your fellow human beings as long as you yourself walk through the world with a backpack full of your own worries. This backpack has to be emptied – and the less you carry with you, the easier the journey will be and the faster you will move forward. That’s what it’s all about now: give yourself the attention and time you still need for your groundwork!

photo credit: Andrea Percht

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
From the German original:

What is happening to people right now?

So many bio-robots

JJK: In the past few days I have been walking a lot in Vienna, had contact with different people and professions, and had the time to observe people doing their daily tasks. My conclusion is: people increasingly seem to me like bio-robots, as if something is no longer there. They rush from there to there, usually with their eyes fixed dully on their cell phones, blot out their surroundings, and if someone disturbs their own commodity, their nerves are quickly frayed. I have rarely seen so many angry and aggressive people as recently. It is obvious that friendly and cordial people are now particularly noticeable. They literally stand out from the everyday gray and are unmistakably eye-catching. It used to be the other way around, and the unfriendly were in the minority. What has happened?

MASTER ST. GERMAIN: What has happened is that people have become inwardly receptive to the programming of their dark masters and have been opened up in a way that they have not been before. There is a time before the mRNA intervention and a time after. What you are experiencing describes the time after.

JJK: Will this continue? Then we are really not far away from the dystopia that so many are conjuring up?

MASTER ST. GERMAIN: It will go on like this until this process is over and the people it affects have had their learning experience.

JJK: That means a great many will die?

MASTER ST. GERMAIN: Many die, they return to the light and are sent on their journey again. That’s the way it is, that’s the way it has always been, that’s the cycle. In this case, there is also the fact that these people of whom you speak in the introduction will undergo a fundamental cleansing and healing before they can return to whatever world. The important thing to see is that there are possibilities of healing for these people as well. That’s how it is.

“Refusing to believe it”

On earth, the consequences and results of inhumanity are now becoming visible. At present, many people who have consented to this therapy are in the stage of “refusing to believe it”. It is difficult to see the full implications of this wrong decision. In the end, however, those who deal with themselves openly and honestly will experience relief and healing.

JJK: Instead of becoming more light and more loving, it’s still quite dark at first – isn’t it?

MASTER ST. GERMAIN: We are at the transition into the light epoch. In this phase more dust is raised than ever before! Because those entities, which have enriched themselves at this world and fed on the fear energies of the people, undertake everything to keep influence and power.

The struggle

The dissolution of a world is always accompanied by a great struggle, so long until everything collapses in on itself, there is this tug, this uncertainty and this tension.

And it is in this time of transition that humanity finds itself today. It is the birth of the New Earth – but the birth is still in progress and the child wants to be born first.

JJK: Many people who operate full of light are now also losing their footing and orientation. Some have major psychological problems – why is that?

MASTER ST. GERMAIN: Due to an unstable spiritual and energetic base, it happens that people whose channels are open can burn out now. Those who open up to the light forces and neglect to keep dark energies at bay now have considerable difficulties in making the right assignments.

Many Lightworkers are under the misapprehension that it is enough to focus on the light alone. Ignoring evil and darkness alone is not enough, because this does not make them disappear. The fact is that as long as a person flees from his own shadow, dark energies are open door and gate.

Your healing

JJK: Such people then “suck it all in”, don’t they?

MASTER ST. GERMAIN: A significant number of Lightworkers have developed a tendency to talk up the world instead of making it beautiful through sound transformation work. Those who do not want to see their inner demons also have no perception for outer demons.

And so it results that very many lightworkers suffer from alien occupations and lose the orientation in themselves. The solution is simple: truthfulness.

JJK: But the pressure that is building up at the moment is also very, very demanding. Sometimes I also have the feeling that the decisions have really been made and that you really can’t “pick up” anyone anywhere anymore …

MASTER ST. GERMAIN: That is how it is.

If you want to pick someone up, pick yourself up from where you are now and go with yourself to where you want to go. Don’t worry about your fellow human beings as long as you yourself walk through the world with a backpack full of your own worries. This backpack has to be emptied – and the less you carry with you, the easier the journey will be and the faster you will move forward. That’s what it’s all about now: give yourself the attention and time you still need for your groundwork!

The world needs lighthouses which offer orientation in every weather – and for this it is necessary to be trained and ready on all levels. Once again, I direct all your attention to what is crucial now: YOUR OWN HEALING!

In infinite love I stand by your side with the golden-violet flame of transformation.

In service of your soul, heaven turns to your heart. So it is.


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