Message from God

What do you want to achieve, human being, when all that you are is within you? Whoever wants to maintain his control and power mechanisms, whoever wants to remain a perfectionist, continues to turn the wheel of time until he gets tired of it and of himself. Every river flows into the ocean and every soul starts to move one day and finds back to the own source in God. God is the completeness in everything what is. Perfect or imperfect? What troubles you, for complete you are man.

photo credit: Andrea Percht

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
  German original:
  Lichtwelt Verlag Telegram 

Perfection or completeness? (Consciousness work – Part 1)

Take a deep breath!

Beloved humans,

Dark surrounds itself with light and lightful is darkened. To where can you turn, whom can you trust and what is good, what is evil, what is right and what is wrong? To keep the orientation is difficult and often you bet on the wrong horse, sometimes your decisions turn out unhappy and still you fall for false prophets. How is this to be dealt with?

Take a deep breath! Now breathe deeply in and deeply out …

Pause …

We start with the message.

There is no guarantee that you will never be misguided, that you will never go astray and give away your trust where it is misplaced.

What there is, however, is that you become more and more vigilant and thus more and more precise in your decisions.

Your accuracy increases with practice, increases by making decisions – not by avoiding decisions.

That’s why I invite you to move forward and courageously represent and implement what you believe is right. It does not matter that you are always in the right, that you are always right – no – that is a big misconception and creates stress, insecurity and misfortune.

Dedication and practice

Your life is about living your blueprint more and more accurately and harmoniously. And this – it cannot be repeated often enough – requires your dedication and practice, your courage to try, and your mind to correctly classify failed attempts.

Many people are control-addicted perfectionists. They do not admit to themselves that they are wrong or that they have made mistakes. Having failed is out of question for these people, it is unbearable and is avoided at all costs. If necessary, such people talk themselves into results instead of seeing what is.

Beloved human,

nothing hurries in this world, and nothing demands perfection in a complete world.

What you can and should do if you are a perfectionist is to become aware of this in the first step. If it is like that, then it is like that – and that is good! Accepting it is the first step to letting go. Then signal to the divine light that you are ready to deviate a little from your perfection.

In a meditation, let go of the demand for perfection and for a perfect life, in which you yourself and those around you must function perfectly. Let it go – and when you are ready, it will happen!

21 days

Ideally, meditate on this subject for 21 days in a row. If that is impossible, then meditate it with the regularity you can manage. After these 21 sessions in the light, your subconscious mind will have absorbed the new command and you will no longer be sabotaged by it.

Deal in that way with all patterns, limitations, beliefs and programming that you notice! 21 days of meditation in the divine light and your inner programs will be rewritten.

So, the miracle of your slow transformation happens, and your decisions become more accurate, disappointments decrease and happiness increases.

What do you want to achieve, human being, when all that you are is within you?

Whoever wants to maintain his control and power mechanisms, whoever wants to remain a perfectionist, continues to turn the wheel of time until he gets tired of it and of himself.

Every river flows into the ocean and every soul starts to move one day and finds back to the own source in God.

God is the completeness in everything what is. Perfect or imperfect? What troubles you, for complete you are man.


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0:00:00 Lebe DEINE Gabe (Bewusstseinsarbeit)

0:23:45 Das Göttliche in Dir (Live-Botschaft)

0:33:10 Buchpräsentation VERHEISSUNG – ALLES KOMMT ZUM GUTEN

• Warum brennen Menschen aus?

• Wie geht aus dem System aussteigen?

• Was heißt das “gehe raus aus der Angst?”

• Sind die Wettermanipulationen real?

0:49:30 Danksagung

1:02:00 Der Weg zum selbstbewussten Menschen

1:04:30 Was tun, wenn die Familie auseinanderbricht?

1:10:00 Liebt diese Tage

1:13:30 Sakramente erlösen – und einfach “relaxen” 

1:19:40 Wann hast du Gott erreicht?

1:24:45 Das Leben ist ein Geschenk

1:37:30 Neuer Veranstaltungsort von Lichtlesungen Lorely Saal

1:40:15 Was kommt 2024?

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