Conversation with Sananda

Perceive the things, but do not let your thoughts program you to fear! In the end, everything turns out for the better. True is: Man remains man and transforms his form to the divine.

photo credit: Andrea Percht

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
  German original:
  Lichtwelt Verlag Telegram 

Man remains man

28 December 2022

Reason for hope

JJK: As you said yesterday – things are loosening up, getting lighter and clearing up. I feel significantly better today, the pressure is easing, the fog is lifting and my perception is becoming positive again – at least as far as I am concerned. In fact, I have noticed that at present people are increasingly in a rather “depressive” mood. As it happened to me, so it happens to many?

SANANDA: Blessed are you who you keep throwing yourself into the current affairs, even though your true ambitions are centered on the Divine. Many people are or were affected by this gloomy atmosphere, which – like a siege – caused pressure, fears and hopelessness. Once again you had to walk through this valley, because earthly things have an effect – sometimes more noticeable, then again hardly perceptible. So it happens now that healing sets in and hope returns. For you have every reason to hope.

Insect DNA in PCR tests?

JJK: Today a friend sent me a video that clearly and credibly expresses that the PCR tests are designed to clone humans. A self-replicating insect DNA is being introduced into our cells. There is talk of “cross-species genomics” and of worms being used as carriers for the messenger RNA. The idea is that our offspring will become mutants that can no longer reproduce themselves. That’s enough to make you breathless. But is that true at all?

SANANDA: It is true that the remodeling of man has been the program for decades. Environmental toxins, inferior food, denatured water, mind manipulation and fear programming as a permanent condition damage the nervous system of man and change the structure of human cells. Whoever wants to control this planet must weaken man in order to subjugate mankind.

This happened on a large scale and reached its peak during the Covid crisis. It is true that the tests were aimed at this. However, it is like with the injection – not all tests were contaminated!

JJK: How much in percentages?

SANANDA: Half of those PCR tests were with the sequences that you report above. It was similar with the injections, in both cases to introduce gene-modifying structures into the body. The efficiency is more direct and higher with the injections, as a sloppily performed test cannot catch. So much for this level of contemplation – and now we come into play!

Human beings, because of their innate curiosity, have the urge to try everything – for better or for worse. As a significant number of people and the planet prepare for the transition into the light, these actions cannot cause permanent damage.

The most effective means!

We from the realms of light have repeatedly eased nuclear conflicts in the past, defused many a nuclear accident or rendered nuclear warheads ineffective. This direct intervention of Heaven takes place as soon as mankind is confronted with a crime of which it:

A.) cannot have any knowledge,

B.) comes into contact with it despite a NO,

C.) no defense is possible due to the dimension of the viciousness.

So it happens also in this area of gene therapy and the measures preceding and accompanying it. Heaven overlooks the whole scene and knows the soul desire of every single person. That is the measure and it is called:

No one, who is not destined to, will suffer harm – no one. Superiorly works the divine and only that counts in the end. So have no fear.

JJK: What can people do when they think harm has been done? Is there a remedy?

SANANDA: The most effective means is GOD! Get out of your fears, for fears are the greatest poison.

JJK: I have been tested sometimes. I have been taking CDL every day for months. I feel that is good and necessary now. I also read that highly dosed vitamin C is supposed to help?

SANANDA: Both are advisable. There are these solutions and further solutions are presented! The best solution is GOD and is HIS GRACE.

JJK: I was very concerned about that today.

Then I searched for an answer on this subject in the book “Jesus and Sai Baba” and randomly opened the following passage:

Question: “One source of confusion is that everything is supposed to be a creation of the spirit. A creation of whose spirit?”

Sai Baba: “Of the human spirit, of the mind.”

Question: “But Swami, how can this be? Does my thinking create war with all its horrors? I do not find such actions in me!”

Sai Baba: “If you don’t think about the world, it doesn’t exist.”

Question: “If I do not think about the world, it is not in my consciousness! Does the war only exist because I am aware of it? But it started once. How could this beginning be due to my thinking?”

Sai Baba: “On your plane of consciousness, it is not possible to comprehend. As long as the human mind exists, it is not possible to grasp it and its activity clearly. When thoughts cease, there is no more thinking apparatus (mind). The human mind is a bundle of thoughts.

Do not follow the thoughts, then the world will not unfold for you. Now your thoughts have gone to America and the problems there. But these are only thoughts. Now, if you follow those thoughts and go to America, they will bring forth this world for you.

Question: “Does Swami mean that you should merely be a witness of the thoughts that come to your mind and perhaps do nothing with them?”

Sai Baba: “Exactly. When the thinking is switched off, that is, when there is immediate seeing without an intervening thought process, then it will become clear to you how the world comes into existence. There is only GOD, GOD alone. Cling closely to Him, and the matter of thinking will take care of itself.” (Jesus and Sai Baba, Govinda Sai Publishing House, p. 480 ff.)

SANANDA: It is always fear that, once it gets the upper hand and begins to rule, brings undesirable results.

It is fear that manifests and prolongs dramas. Unresolved fears – which the mind transmits to emotion so that they can anchor there – are the trigger of all distortions in the perception of life.

“Suddenly deceased”

JJK: But if someone was affected, then that is a real drama! When I think about how many people die “suddenly”!?

SANANDA: Yes, indeed, whoever has transgressed against man in this way, fate will reckon with him. The truth is that in the end it will affect fewer people than it appears today. Only those who have chosen the experience of cloning, who have chosen the path of transhumanism for further incarnations, who are not yet on the ascension path, will also have this experience.

In this abuse and encroachment, the divine laws intervene and the free will of man is respected and remains untouched.

The suddenly deceased keep people’s attention on this crime and they keep many people from making similar decisions. Thus, nothing can be swept under the table and reappraisal becomes possible.

JJK: Is it good to publish videos that illuminate this? I’m totally blocked by it! I can see how fears are so widespread among people. The last few days I’ve been haunted by it myself. What’s the point if everyone freezes into pillars of salt and is paralyzed by fear? Then everyone who has once done a Covid test is scared to death, although it may not affect him at all!?

SANANDA: What is to be seen and understood now in the whole range and depth: GOD IS OMNIPRESENT!

The godless is possible only there, where godlessness rules. If your heart is full of GOD, then you have everything – lay down the worry and trust in the life that also returns after this purification to earth.

JJK: Light at the end of the tunnel …

SANANDA: Perceive the things, but do not let your thoughts program you to fear! In the end, everything turns out for the better. True is: Man remains man and transforms his form to the divine.

In infinite love

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0:00:00 Lebe DEINE Gabe (Bewusstseinsarbeit)

0:23:45 Das Göttliche in Dir (Live-Botschaft)

0:33:10 Buchpräsentation VERHEISSUNG – ALLES KOMMT ZUM GUTEN

• Warum brennen Menschen aus?

• Wie geht aus dem System aussteigen?

• Was heißt das “gehe raus aus der Angst?”

• Sind die Wettermanipulationen real?

0:49:30 Danksagung

1:02:00 Der Weg zum selbstbewussten Menschen

1:04:30 Was tun, wenn die Familie auseinanderbricht?

1:10:00 Liebt diese Tage

1:13:30 Sakramente erlösen – und einfach “relaxen” 

1:19:40 Wann hast du Gott erreicht?

1:24:45 Das Leben ist ein Geschenk

1:37:30 Neuer Veranstaltungsort von Lichtlesungen Lorely Saal

1:40:15 Was kommt 2024?

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