Message from Archangel Metatron

Already the pillars of the old world are falling and the pillars on which the inhuman New World Order is to be built can support neither humanity nor the world. The awakening has begun! Every day the powers of the individual human beings are growing to the same extent as the powers of the old rulers are dwindling. A revolution of the mind has begun and this revolution is contagious. More and more people are being reached and they are lifting their gaze – and taking their destiny into their own hands. What matters now is that you remain calm, that you let time work for you, that you strengthen your trust in GOD and reaffirm it again and again.

photo credit: Andrea Percht

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
  German original:
  Lichtwelt Verlag Telegram 

The big game ends now!

Seeing the light in the darkness!

Nourish your hope, strengthen your confidence and believe that the good, the beautiful and the true will prevail in the end. The light will triumph and love will reign among people.

Begin to perceive the light in the darkness, look behind the veil and do not be afraid of the truth that is waiting to be seen by you behind the obvious.

The great game ends and it ends now! The great shadow players are put into the light. Whether they want it or not, it shows what IS and the illusion of the illusory world can no longer be maintained.

LOVE flows to you in an infinite stream – and LIGHT, which nourishes you. Your bodies become finer and more permeable, your spirit becomes lighter and more sublime.

Connected to Heaven and grounded at the same time, you will encounter the phenomena of discharges that are now appearing everywhere.

A big fire

Never before in the history of mankind have so many unredeemed energies been at play, and never before have you had to deal with such encroachment, destructiveness and perfidy on the part of those from whom everything is now being taken. Until the end, the cloak of deception will be spread over you, lies and truth will be reversed in their meaning, so that a lot of people will lose their orientation. This is happening now and it is happening for a short time. These are the signs of the approaching end and the change taking place, with which finally everything inhuman dissolves in GOD.

A great fire is kindled within those creatures who want to enrich themselves and hold humanity harmless until the end – an inner burning and scorching of those who have kindled the global conflagration. For karma answers through fate – in the positive as well as in the negative.

Already the pillars of the old world are falling and the pillars on which the inhuman New World Order is to be built can support neither humanity nor the world.

The awakening has begun! Every day the powers of the individual human beings are growing to the same extent as the powers of the old rulers are dwindling.

A revolution of the mind has begun and this revolution is contagious. More and more people are being reached and they are lifting their gaze – and taking their destiny into their own hands.

What matters now is that you remain calm, that you let time work for you, that you strengthen your trust in GOD and reaffirm it again and again.

That is your purpose NOW!

The game is over when it is over. Even if it seems, as if the light had the worse cards and the darkness would prevail at the end, this is the part of the illusion that you have to see through NOW! To break out of this cage, out of this prison of the consciousness, that is NOW your purpose and your task. More and more people awaken this power and step out of appearance into being.

The old does not return – no matter in which masquerade, because it is recognized in every disguise – it is no longer sustainable and is rejected by the people .

Already the signs of the time are multiplying, already the divine light permeates all areas of life and coexistence. To perceive this, to pay more attention to the light in the darkness than to the darkness itself, that is your task NOW.

Keeping perspective in the midst of planetary fear propaganda is the art.

This mastery is now required from you, who you follow these lines. You have matured to master this lesson, you are blessed and you are accompanied – highs and lows you pass through with GOD.

WELFARE happens to you in LIFE! GOD guards your way, GOD speaks with your tongue and GOD acts through you.

Deep in your heart lies the knowledge of things as they are – from there you draw strength and courage, hope and confidence, certainty and trust.

In the grace of Go

This is the video of the current Light Reading, which is held in German.

Lichtwelt auf Telegram 

📖 30 TORE ZUR ERLEUCHTUNG (3. Auflage)

📖 KURS ZUR FREIHEIT (2. Auflage)

📖 ATMAR (2. Auflage)

Inhaltsübersicht & Zeitleiste

🎧 Hier zur MP3


0:00:00 Inanspruchnahme deiner Macht! (Bewusstseinsarbeit)

0:22:00 Das Ende wird der neue Anfang sein! (Live-Botschaft)

0:36:10 Kurzpräsentation von Neuauflagen 

30 Tore zur Erleuchtung 

Kurs zur Freiheit

Atmar – Jenseits aller Konzepte 

0:43:30 Aura-Chirurgie

0:49:10 Wir schreiben ein Buch!

0:53:45 Telos 

0:58:25 Die Engel der Heilung haben mit ihrer Arbeit begonnen!

1:03:40 Kommen die Corona-Maßnahmen und KI

1:14:00 Entspannter Umgang mit “Fehlern”

1:16:45 Welchen Kräften sind Politiker in hohen Positionen ausgesetzt?

1:21:10 Glaubenssätzen auf der Spur

1:25:00 Vergebung vs. Rache; Was, wenn alles gefälscht ist?

1:28:40 Kämpfst du mit dem Begriff “GOTT?”

1:34:50 Ukraine, Gaza, Israel – alles Karma?

1:43:40 Befragung des Seelenorakels

1:48:20 Die Kunst des Lebens 

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Lichtwelt auf Telegram 

Meisterdialoge: 13 Bände mit 338 Botschaften & Gesprächen


Schlüssel zum Weltfrieden (pdf) – Babaji
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