Message from Master St. Germain
What it now needs from you is that you put away your fears of the future and that you transform the dystopian scenarios. What matters now, is that you live your life armed with the truth and with the light fearlessly – in the middle of the world – there, where you are put by God, to live your truly light-full life, without worries, without fears, without sorrow, but with confidence, with joy and with the certainty of a golden future. What is happening now will undermine the whole world and transform all humankind. Within the human being, the decisive processes are triggered to make change possible in the external world.
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
German original:
Lichtwelt Verlag Telegram
The igniting spark
Victory of the light
Remain true to yourselves and pursue your spiritual path in all weathers and until you arrive. Do not be intimidated or discouraged, for the signs of the times point to the triumphant victory of the light.
Only very few people can see this yet, it is still a fairy tale for many and negativity still prevails among people. This tendency is now fading more and more with each passing day.
It is becoming easier and easier for individuals to recognize the backdrop and the backdrop pushers.
Now it only needs the igniting spark and the show of the dark entities is over. This play, which was supposed to deceive the whole of humanity and lead to a previously unimaginable degree of unfreedom, will be dismantled into its component parts and will never again be able to take place on this earth.
What must be revealed will be now, what must be revealed so that people recognize which prophets they have believed will be revealed. Similar to a revelation, that which had lasted a long time and seemed to remain unfulfilled will be fulfilled.
Transformation of dystopias
What it now needs from you is that you put away your fears of the future and that you transform the dystopian scenarios. What matters now, is that you live your life armed with the truth and with the light fearlessly – in the middle of the world – there, where you are put by God, to live your truly light-full life, without worries, without fears, without sorrow, but with confidence, with joy and with the certainty of a golden future.
What is happening now will undermine the whole world and transform all humankind.
Within the human being, the decisive processes are triggered to make change possible in the external world.
The Cornucopia of God
With an unconscious humanity, this battle cannot be won.
This is changed now and the distortions of the human consciousness are repaired. The upside down souls are set right again and aligned to GOD, until enough people begin to see, so that they can provide their indispensable service for the change.
Miracles over miracles will happen after the people are transformed inwardly. After the cornucopia of the GRACE OF GOD was poured out over the people, everything changes.
Beloved human being, who you are reading this:
Do not be afraid for a moment, for you have every reason to rejoice. Live truthfully and love sincerely – everything else leave to GOD.
In infinite love
This is the video of the current Light Reading, which is held in German.
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📖 30 TORE ZUR ERLEUCHTUNG (3. Auflage)
📖 KURS ZUR FREIHEIT (2. Auflage)
📖 ATMAR (2. Auflage)
Inhaltsübersicht & Zeitleiste
🎧 Hier zur MP3
0:00:00 Inanspruchnahme deiner Macht! (Bewusstseinsarbeit)
0:22:00 Das Ende wird der neue Anfang sein! (Live-Botschaft)
0:36:10 Kurzpräsentation von Neuauflagen
Atmar – Jenseits aller Konzepte
0:43:30 Aura-Chirurgie
0:49:10 Wir schreiben ein Buch!
0:53:45 Telos
0:58:25 Die Engel der Heilung haben mit ihrer Arbeit begonnen!
1:03:40 Kommen die Corona-Maßnahmen und KI
1:14:00 Entspannter Umgang mit “Fehlern”
1:16:45 Welchen Kräften sind Politiker in hohen Positionen ausgesetzt?
1:21:10 Glaubenssätzen auf der Spur
1:25:00 Vergebung vs. Rache; Was, wenn alles gefälscht ist?
1:28:40 Kämpfst du mit dem Begriff “GOTT?”
1:34:50 Ukraine, Gaza, Israel – alles Karma?
1:43:40 Befragung des Seelenorakels
1:48:20 Die Kunst des Lebens
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Lichtwelt auf Telegram
Meisterdialoge: 12 Bände mit 310 Botschaften & Gesprächen
Schlüssel zum Weltfrieden (pdf) – Babaji
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