Master El Morya & The Ascended Masters

Your commitment for the light and for the golden future of this mankind is unsurpassed. Put aside your doubts! The doubts – that you would contribute too little to the change or that the outcome of this game, despite all your efforts, is uncertain – must be discarded. For the victory is yours! The triumph of the light and the elevation of mankind to a totality united in the divine spirit can no longer be stopped. Pay attention to the gloomy prophecies only as much as it is useful for you to interpret the past and the present. The future is formed and changed by you today, here and now in every moment. Everything is in motion and only one thing is certain: the bright outcome of this game.

photo credit: Andrea Percht

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
  German original:
  Lichtwelt Verlag Telegram 

The game and your role

In the midst of battle

Beloved humans,

Rejoice, for the day of truth is coming!

You stand in the middle of the fight, in a fight which is forced on you – and you have learned your lessons, because your answers are clear. Courageously and undauntedly you stand up for the justice, you challenge the truth and you have matured to incorruptible instruments of GOD. Refined by the fate of many previous lives you can do today what you have come to do. Your commitment for the light and for the golden future of this mankind is unsurpassed.

Put aside your doubts! The doubts – that you would contribute too little to the change or that the outcome of this game, despite all your efforts, is uncertain – must be discarded.

For the victory is yours! The triumph of the light and the elevation of mankind to a totality united in the divine spirit can no longer be stopped.

Pay attention to the gloomy prophecies only as much as it is useful for you to interpret the past and the present. The future is formed and changed by you today, here and now in every moment.

Everything is in motion and only one thing is certain: the bright outcome of this game.

You were abandoned!

Yes, it is a game, the greatest game ever played in this universe. Will a star that was already abandoned and will a humanity that was doomed succeed in returning to the light planes of creation? You were abandoned centuries ago and for centuries. When the thick veils of mist settled over the earth and clouded your consciousness, there seemed to be no awakening.

Deeply sunk in the matter and deprived of every hope you were given up – given up by yourselves. Because how this game ends was always up to you yourselves. It was always you who could take the reins of fate into your own hands. However, you have left the leadership to other forces and so entanglements were created which had to be disentangled and from which there was no escape anymore.

This spiritual and mental derangement of the past times made you remain in sacrificial faith without any prospect of salvation.

The act of God’s grace

Then the act of God’s grace occurs – made possible by the flooding of the earth with light, whereby isolated people woke up and became aware of who they are despite the adverse circumstances. At first still hesitantly, later clearly perceptibly, individual humans awoke and they repelled their pre-drawn destiny. This opened the opportunity for heaven to shape the ascension cycle of this universe WITH the earth.

From that time on, it was no longer about the extinction of the earth, but about the transformation and the healing of all life on earth. This happened in 1987. Since then, Earth and humanity have been intimately intertwined and they are on the path of ascension. Nothing and no one in the universe can stop this.

There were and are impairments, interference fields and manipulations to keep you from awakening. I say to you: I tell you: The people who are to awaken, will, for the number of people who have walked the path of ascension is honorable!

So it happens now that more and more people are touched by the ascension energy. They turn around and change sides – from darkness into light. They turn away from evil and towards good – and they begin to trust the truth instead of serving the lie. Everything is turning around – and this process is now underway.

You are now called upon to continue on your path of light and truthfulness. Do not look back! Give those people who don’t understand you, smile at you or fight you, only the attention necessary to calm their demons or to keep them in check.

Your role

Fight with the light of truth and with the sword of discernment! Do not shy away from confrontation when it is inevitable but be wise: Most fights belong to a time which has no more relevance for you. Discern exactly, recognize what is played – whether you should take a role, and if so, which.

Always pay attention to your inner input, to the impulses that come from your soul to your heart and that are transmitted from your heart to your brain.

Examine, what is to be examined, and trust GOD.

Embedded in the GRACE of GOD no harm can and will happen to you. Surrounded by an incalculable number of angels, masters and Light Beings your life on earth fulfills itself. The protection is great and powerful, as are your assignments.

United with GOD happens what must happen now.

The stream of life flows out of you into the light and returns to your heart as love. Following this sacred cycle, you are pure divine consciousness – born in man.

Remember, remind yourself of it!


This is the video of the current Light Reading, which is held in German.

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📖 30 TORE ZUR ERLEUCHTUNG (3. Auflage)

📖 KURS ZUR FREIHEIT (2. Auflage)

📖 ATMAR (2. Auflage)

Inhaltsübersicht & Zeitleiste

🎧 Hier zur MP3


0:00:00 Inanspruchnahme deiner Macht! (Bewusstseinsarbeit)

0:22:00 Das Ende wird der neue Anfang sein! (Live-Botschaft)

0:36:10 Kurzpräsentation von Neuauflagen 

30 Tore zur Erleuchtung 

Kurs zur Freiheit

Atmar – Jenseits aller Konzepte 

0:43:30 Aura-Chirurgie

0:49:10 Wir schreiben ein Buch!

0:53:45 Telos 

0:58:25 Die Engel der Heilung haben mit ihrer Arbeit begonnen!

1:03:40 Kommen die Corona-Maßnahmen und KI

1:14:00 Entspannter Umgang mit “Fehlern”

1:16:45 Welchen Kräften sind Politiker in hohen Positionen ausgesetzt?

1:21:10 Glaubenssätzen auf der Spur

1:25:00 Vergebung vs. Rache; Was, wenn alles gefälscht ist?

1:28:40 Kämpfst du mit dem Begriff “GOTT?”

1:34:50 Ukraine, Gaza, Israel – alles Karma?

1:43:40 Befragung des Seelenorakels

1:48:20 Die Kunst des Lebens 

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Meisterdialoge: 12 Bände mit 310 Botschaften & Gesprächen


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