Message from Jesus Christ
You have the opportunity to show your true power as human beings, the power to confront those pitiful creatures who are now recognized with the power of love. Only through this can this earth recover, and this humanity heal. This is all that matters now: to move out of the old energy of division and karma and to meet all entities in the consciousness of the unity of all life. You are much more than a human being! You are an angel sent to earth to remind people of their true nature. This work is happening now because the time has come. The events are taking their course.
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
German original:
Lichtwelt Verlag Telegram
Never seek revenge!
Turning away from the system has begun!
Come under my light, feed on my love and place yourselves under my protection, for truly I say to you: He who trusts in me is under my protection!
The time unfolds its full power. Everything is now being washed to the surface so that the dark plans fail one after the other and have to be taken back. People are waking up on a large scale and they see the malice behind the many political, economic and health measures that have been rolled out under false pretenses.
At all levels, people – who believed in this system until the very end because they were caught up in fears or benefited from it themselves – are beginning to turn away from the system.
For the first time in the history of mankind, enough people unite in the will to steer the destiny of mankind into bright paths.
The dark is illuminated and what is revealed is shocking to those who would not or could not look until now. The deception was absolute and the malice unsurpassed. Now the magic behind it is exposed, now what was hidden for millennia comes to light.
How can you prepare for it?
Through a loving attitude towards all life – never seek revenge and don’t give hatred a chance to spread permanently within you. Feelings like anger, rage and hate will boil up, that is natural in the first phase of the big revelations. But then come to your senses and restore peace within you!
There is a horror so unimaginable to a sane person that the moment it becomes visible, people cry out for retribution and revenge.
Give tit for tat?
Never join this choir, stay away from these reflexes. If you yourself are afflicted by feelings of revenge, clear it with your spiritual guides and ask the divine light to intervene.
Never shall you give tit for tat. The desire for retribution exists in a great many people, and it will solidify when the light reveals all that has been able to do its mischief in secret until now.
Hold the people, who served the powers of the cold light knowingly or unknowingly, accountable – renounce please in the name of the ONE, that is GOD, on retaliation or revenge.
Never should the blood of human beings be spilled in order to obtain compensation for whatever. In doing so, you bring about exactly the opposite – the continuation of your lives in the cycle of death and rebirth, of cause and effect.
In the coming months, you will have the opportunity to practice standing above things – without ignoring the facts.
Your power as a human being
You have the opportunity to show your true power as human beings, the power to confront those pitiful creatures who are now recognized with the power of love. Only through this can this earth recover, and this humanity heal.
This is all that matters now: to move out of the old energy of division and karma and to meet all entities in the consciousness of the unity of all life.
You are much more than a human being! You are an angel sent to earth to remind people of their true nature.
This work is happening now because the time has come. The events are taking their course.
This is the video of the current Light Reading, which is held in German.
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Inhaltsübersicht & Zeitleiste
🎧 Hier zur MP3
0:00:00 Inanspruchnahme deiner Macht! (Bewusstseinsarbeit)
0:22:00 Das Ende wird der neue Anfang sein! (Live-Botschaft)
0:36:10 Kurzpräsentation von Neuauflagen
Atmar – Jenseits aller Konzepte
0:43:30 Aura-Chirurgie
0:49:10 Wir schreiben ein Buch!
0:53:45 Telos
0:58:25 Die Engel der Heilung haben mit ihrer Arbeit begonnen!
1:03:40 Kommen die Corona-Maßnahmen und KI
1:14:00 Entspannter Umgang mit “Fehlern”
1:16:45 Welchen Kräften sind Politiker in hohen Positionen ausgesetzt?
1:21:10 Glaubenssätzen auf der Spur
1:25:00 Vergebung vs. Rache; Was, wenn alles gefälscht ist?
1:28:40 Kämpfst du mit dem Begriff “GOTT?”
1:34:50 Ukraine, Gaza, Israel – alles Karma?
1:43:40 Befragung des Seelenorakels
1:48:20 Die Kunst des Lebens
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