Message from Sai Baba

God created Man, God’s breath brought you to life. It is foolish to believe that God might have turned his back on humanity, now in this decisive phase of the shift. It is naïve to assume that God has forgotten about human beings – the very human beings that sprung from HIS love and were created from HIS spirit.

photo credit: Andrea Percht

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations



You are an ocean in a drop

God is your pillar

God is your pillar, God is your support – you don’t need anyone else if you have faith in God!


I have returned to earth to assist humanity in its struggle for freedom and unity. A struggle that happens within humans, concerns humans and is not directed towards anything. A struggle that transforms you, centers you and, in the end, perfects you. A struggle that causes you to awaken, strengthening your trust and bringing you back to true faith.

Profound faith in yourself and the meaning of your life is what brings you true realizations and happiness today.

God created Man, God’s breath brought you to life. It is foolish to believe that God might have turned his back on humanity, now in this decisive phase of the shift.

It is naïve to assume that God has forgotten about human beings – the very human beings that sprung from HIS love and were created from HIS spirit.

Turn to God more and more – directly and without detours. That is the best way not to lose your path and remain oriented during this time.

Ocean in a drop

I have returned to humanity – as a human being amongst human beings, as ocean in a drop. And you are my equal! Embodied divine consciousness – limitless, all-encompassing and omnipresent.

The only difference that still exists between us is
self-perception and self-awareness. This is now going to change drastically! The transfer of light from the CENTRAL SUN causes you human beings to blossom, awakens your spirit and makes your heart receptive to what is and who you truly are.

Together we have descended into this time, and together we are lifting this world up to a new level – past and future will fade into the eternal Now.

What matters now is self-love and love for God. So put your life into God’s hands! Open up to him about your worries and fears!

Search for your inner divine and see the divine guidance in your life!

Have faith, trust and lean on God! When you are filled with God, what happens day-to-day has no more power over you.

I am the one who has returned, and I will stay until all is done that needs to be done. What I am assigned to do is happening, what we are assigned to do is coming true. We are a huge spiritual family – in this world and in the beyond.

We have descended so that humanity can ascend, we will serve until God calls us. Because truly:

God’s grace has destined humanity for its return.

With perfect love,


This is the video of the current Light Reading, which is held in German.


Inhaltsübersicht und Zeitleiste:






0:00:00 Gute Erdung und konstante Anbindung

0:27:00 Erlösung sebst gestalten! (Live-Botschaft)

0:41:15 Wie sind wir mit unserer Erkrankung umgegangen sind

0:47:30 Das große Aufräumen

0:54:50 “Ich habe keine Angst!” Wirklich?

0:59:35 Warum erleben auch “spirituelle” Menschen Dramen.

1:07:20 Kehrst du heim oder reist du ab?

1:09:20 Ist Auswandern eine Lösung?

1:22:05 Was heißt Gottvertrauen?

1:28:45 Warum die NWO scheitert!

1:33:15 Das Unrecht wird beseitigt!

1:38:20 An einem einzigen Tag …

1:41:05 Das Positive sehen ist die Kunst

1:46:15 Hawkins-Skala auf 1000

1:53:45 Wie vermeide ich Pandemie?

1:58:50 Was kommt 2022?

2:05:25 Die große Revolution hat begonnen!

2:11:20 Karte aus dem schamanischen Seelenorakel

2:19:25 Es ist vorbei!





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