Message from Babaji
There will be no second Lemuria or Atlantis under any circumstances, for you are the ones you have been waiting for and some of you are still waiting for. You have learned the lessons and you know that the most important thing now is to keep youThere will be no second Lemuria or Atlantis under any circumstances, for you are the ones you have been waiting for and some of you are still waiting for. You have learned the lessons and you know that the most important thing now is to keep your nerve and to extend the light in your hearts.r nerve and to extend the light in your hearts.

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
From the German original:
The last stretch of road before it becomes light!
Preparation for the collapse
The rearrangements and changes are in full swing. Until the new beginning, the old system, the previous matrix, the field in which humanity was trapped, is being eroded and prepared for collapse.
The divine plan is for the rebuilding to occur harmoniously and with as few catastrophic events as possible. There will be no second Lemuria or Atlantis under any circumstances, for you are the ones you have been waiting for and some of you are still waiting for. You have learned the lessons and you know that the most important thing now is to keep your nerve and to extend the light in your hearts.
You have mastered the great ego issues and so self-conceit can no longer play tricks on you.
It is happening that everything is changing, that many of the dark prophecies can no longer come true, and it is happening that you are co-creating the New Earth daily through your clarified thoughts and healed feelings.
Today, there is no longer a sustainable energy field of hatred because more and more people have learned the lessons of their history. Even though the whole world seems to be going in circles, as if humanity has learned nothing, even though error is still on top, I say to you:
The change is in progress and will take place until completion in the way desired by GOD!
It still takes time. Your perseverance is still needed and you are still often between the fronts. How to achieve peace, how to make it so that sanity returns, how to live when everything seems to turn against life? To resist, but how? To hold up the light, but where? To live love, but who understands?
The spiritual path
– To choose the spiritual path is to reap the ripe fruit from the tree of knowledge without regard for those who are left behind.
– To choose the spiritual path is to hold up one’s light with wisdom where it is expected and to hide it where it would blind people instead of enlightening them.
– Choosing the spiritual path means acting out of love without expecting anyone to understand.
– Choosing the spiritual path means not expecting a reward on earth or in heaven, because life itself is enough for you and means your wealth.
To take yourself out of all programs and games, out of all conditioning, that is to choose the spiritual path.
With GOD
So, it happens now that the ancient Lemurians and the ancient Atlanteans, who are incarnated on earth today, enable themselves to no longer resonate with the low vibrational energy fields. The low instincts can no longer be activated by the dark rulers of the matrix in these people – and this fundamentally changes the course of the change.
Your alignment with the Light and with GOD is clear, your endurance to persist in this process is trained, and your devotion to accept the outgrowths during the change in love is complete.
Now it is about the last stretch of the way before it becomes LIGHT and BRIGHT. Now it is about manifesting your mastery in daily life – with God as a navigator and with your healed heart as a power plant.
I am with you in infinite love!
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