Message from Babaji
Today the true soul families come together and united they bring all their strength to the process of upliftment. Rely and trust on each other! Seek strength in the community, take courage in the community, find support in the community!
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
From the German original:
What carries you through the days?
Your greatest treasure
Take care that your relationships remain vibrant, true and loving. That is the greatest treasure at this time. What happens on the outside, you can hardly influence directly. When the storm rages, when the garbage of millennia is unloaded and when above turns to below, then it is necessary to ensure welfare and well-being in one’s own sphere.
Withdraw from the world when you are overwhelmed by events, immigrate to your innermost self when turmoil spreads all around you, and find support in your vibrant and intact relationships.
Family and healthy relationships will carry you through these days, true friends and real human encounters will provide you with the energy and strength you need for your life right now.
Born as soul families
No one is born a hermit. No one is left to fend for oneself, no one has to master one’s life alone. Born as a soul family your appointments are fulfilled.
Today the true soul families come together and united they bring all their strength to the process of upliftment. Rely and trust on each other! Seek strength in the community, take courage in the community, find support in the community!
You reach mastery by yourself, but you are never alone on the path to it. Accompanied by celestial and terrestrial powers you will reach your destination safely. A great misunderstanding lies in believing that to walk the path to the Self means to be alone.
The universe is always at your service.
In conceivable and inconceivable ways you are accompanied and surrounded by luminous powers in daily life.
Very often the greatest angels are your friends, people who are incarnated alongside you and shape the New Earth with you. Very often, the brightest lights are in your family, so that no one need fear when there are challenges to overcome and trials to pass. You are going through this path of light together, and although each one must go by himself, no one goes alone.
I place this realization deep in your heart today, beloved human being, for your mastery has many fathers and knows many mothers. Solely the will remains with you, everything further is GODGIVEN!
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