Message from Seraphis Bey
You want to stabilize your emotional fluctuations? You want to eliminate your thought garbage? You want to see clearly what to do when and where? Then call the light, give yourself to the light. And it is simple. Make sure there is silence! Go into a silent room! Breathe! Direct all your attention to your breathing! Let it happen and breathe in and out! Just breathe in and out through your nose until you become calm and quiet, until you feel peace.
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
German original:
Lichtwelt Verlag Telegram
Daily 20 minutes
Connect daily with the light, with light-filled energies and with your brothers and sisters from the light – light, the source of nutrition of the present and the future.
You want to stabilize your emotional fluctuations? You want to eliminate your thought garbage? You want to see clearly what to do when and where? Then call the light, give yourself to the light.
And it is simple. Make sure there is silence! Go into a silent room! Breathe! Direct all your attention to your breathing! Let it happen and breathe in and out! Just breathe in and out through your nose until you become calm and quiet, until you feel peace.
After that, summon a Light Being or the divine light. Listen into the silence. What do you need to know? Will something be transmitted to you telepathically? Do not expect it, just be ready.
Give yourself to this silence for 20 minutes a day. Your BREATH and YOU to become who you are.
No one can do it for you – it’s up to you.
I love you infinitely
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0:00:00 Lebe DEINE Gabe (Bewusstseinsarbeit)
0:23:45 Das Göttliche in Dir (Live-Botschaft)
0:33:10 Buchpräsentation VERHEISSUNG – ALLES KOMMT ZUM GUTEN
• Warum brennen Menschen aus?
• Wie geht aus dem System aussteigen?
• Was heißt das “gehe raus aus der Angst?”
• Sind die Wettermanipulationen real?
0:49:30 Danksagung
1:02:00 Der Weg zum selbstbewussten Menschen
1:04:30 Was tun, wenn die Familie auseinanderbricht?
1:10:00 Liebt diese Tage
1:13:30 Sakramente erlösen – und einfach “relaxen”
1:19:40 Wann hast du Gott erreicht?
1:24:45 Das Leben ist ein Geschenk
1:37:30 Neuer Veranstaltungsort von Lichtlesungen Lorely Saal
1:40:15 Was kommt 2024?
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