Message from Master El Morya

If you want to know what the other side is planning and where the train to nowhere is heading, keep your news consumption as short as possible. Get an overview, then switch off and get out! The alternative is to occupy yourself with light-filled and positive projects, to replace negativity with uplifting facts. Shift your attention in a ratio of 80:20!

photo credit: Andrea Percht

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
  German original:
  Lichtwelt Verlag Telegram 

Turn off the news!

Freedom begins in a millisecond

Blessed is the man who can find meaning and significance in this time!

Beloved humans,

Reject the fear propaganda which comes down on you from all sides. Strengthen yourselves daily with God and know, the truth and the light, the love and the life will triumph at the end.

So, the days go by and every day fears are instilled in you through the news. This poison must be recognized and banished from your life.

There is only one solution to this: to stop taking in the news, to stop consuming it, to turn it off.

Freedom begins in a millisecond, and it begins with you, through a single decision.

Many of you have no idea what massive impact negative news can have on a person’s soul and state of mind.

Especially the constant repetition of negativity creates an unstable energy field. Gradually, the person loses inner certainty, self-confidence and trust in fellow human beings.

The poison of negativity emanating from the news must be recognized and kept away from.

If you are in a profession, which requires the occupation with the news, then clean yourself daily from the traces, which these leave on you. Turn to God, turn to the powers of heaven and undergo a thorough cleaning!

If you want to know what the other side is planning and where the train to nowhere is heading, keep your news consumption as short as possible.


Get an overview, then switch off and get out! The alternative is to occupy yourself with light-filled and positive projects, to replace negativity with uplifting facts. Shift your attention in a ratio of 80:20!

If you occupy yourself predominantly with positive developments without suppressing the negativity, then the fear propaganda can no longer affect you. You stay with yourself, and your energy field can no longer be contaminated.

So, I invite you to seriously think about your news consumption. I invite you to observe – and, if necessary, correct – your behavior regarding the intake of this content.

I am with you when you need help.


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0:00:00 Lebe DEINE Gabe (Bewusstseinsarbeit)

0:23:45 Das Göttliche in Dir (Live-Botschaft)

0:33:10 Buchpräsentation VERHEISSUNG – ALLES KOMMT ZUM GUTEN

• Warum brennen Menschen aus?

• Wie geht aus dem System aussteigen?

• Was heißt das “gehe raus aus der Angst?”

• Sind die Wettermanipulationen real?

0:49:30 Danksagung

1:02:00 Der Weg zum selbstbewussten Menschen

1:04:30 Was tun, wenn die Familie auseinanderbricht?

1:10:00 Liebt diese Tage

1:13:30 Sakramente erlösen – und einfach “relaxen” 

1:19:40 Wann hast du Gott erreicht?

1:24:45 Das Leben ist ein Geschenk

1:37:30 Neuer Veranstaltungsort von Lichtlesungen Lorely Saal

1:40:15 Was kommt 2024?

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