Message from Jesus Christ
Continue to work on your projects full of light! Bring into life what enriches you, what fulfills you and what is born from your hearts. Direct your attention to the true and to the beautiful! Keep the simplicity and the love! In this way, the New Earth takes shape and, in this way, dark forces no longer find access to you.
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
German original:
Lichtwelt Verlag Telegram
God is your strength
Beloved human beings,
Strengthen yourselves with GOD and believe that in the end the good and light will prevail.
Continue to work on your projects full of light! Bring into life what enriches you, what fulfills you and what is born from your hearts. Direct your attention to the true and to the beautiful! Keep the simplicity and the love!
In this way, the New Earth takes shape and, in this way, dark forces no longer find access to you.
What worries you – hand it over to GOD.
What produces fears – hand it over to GOD.
What lies down as a shadow over your soul – hand it over to GOD.
Is GOD is your companion, everything can recover, can be redeemed and healed.
Instead of complaining – pray!
Instead of fainting – meditate!
Instead of indulging in dull thoughts – draw strength from nature!
For everything there is a solution and for everything GOD is the solution.
Have no fear of your power and strength!
Do not be afraid of your own light!
Do not worry if your love falls on rotten ground.
Live your life until you have completed it as it was meant for you. Past, present or future – he who lives and loves does not know them.
I am the way, the truth and the life.
You are the way, the truth and the life.
We are ONE!
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🎧 Hier zur MP3
0:00:00 Lebe DEINE Gabe (Bewusstseinsarbeit)
0:23:45 Das Göttliche in Dir (Live-Botschaft)
0:33:10 Buchpräsentation VERHEISSUNG – ALLES KOMMT ZUM GUTEN
• Warum brennen Menschen aus?
• Wie geht aus dem System aussteigen?
• Was heißt das “gehe raus aus der Angst?”
• Sind die Wettermanipulationen real?
0:49:30 Danksagung
1:02:00 Der Weg zum selbstbewussten Menschen
1:04:30 Was tun, wenn die Familie auseinanderbricht?
1:10:00 Liebt diese Tage
1:13:30 Sakramente erlösen – und einfach “relaxen”
1:19:40 Wann hast du Gott erreicht?
1:24:45 Das Leben ist ein Geschenk
1:37:30 Neuer Veranstaltungsort von Lichtlesungen Lorely Saal
1:40:15 Was kommt 2024?
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Schlüssel zum Weltfrieden (pdf) – Babaji
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