Message from Sananda

Do not be afraid, there is no reason for it. If fears arise, then observe them, accept them, let them rise – like a mist rises before it dissolves in the light of the sun. Stay firmly anchored in your heart and listen into eternity, because at every step the GREAT ONE, who is GOD, accompanies and guides you.

photo credit: Andrea Percht

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
  German original:
  Lichtwelt Verlag Telegram 

Will the world end?

Unimaginable discharges

Beloved humans,

will the world end or will it come to an end?

You are watching the events of the time and you can see how everything is coming to a head, how everything is pushing in the ONE direction, in the direction of an unbelievable discharge.

Thus, it will happen that the diseases that have afflicted this humankind will be cast out.

The healing will be as radical as the events that precede it.

Evil will be eliminated at the root and lies, hatred and discord will be removed from human hearts. All people will have the opportunity to repent and renounce their false GODs on the day that is near.

The present time surpasses everything that has gone before in terms of depravity. This earth has never before been so desecrated and never before have people been so abused and deceived. Truly, the end times have come.

How to prepare?

In many places you are urged to prepare or be prepared. But how will you prepare for the unimaginable or expect the unexpected?

This is an impossibility – and so I instruct you: Be prepared with GOD!

GOD is the only instance which can and will lead you safely through this time.

Being prepared by stockpiling food, water supplies, or heating fuel is useful and reassuring – but that is the smallest part, the part that won’t matter in the end.

In the end, it will depend on how much you open yourself to the light and how much you are willing to discard your old life – like a worn coat.

At the end the conversion of the world happens by a single creation impulse of the Creator – and you can prepare for it only with GOD.

Do not be afraid, there is no reason for it. If fears arise, then observe them, accept them, let them rise – like a mist rises before it dissolves in the light of the sun.

Stay firmly anchored in your heart and listen into eternity, because at every step the GREAT ONE, who is GOD, accompanies and guides you.


This is the video of the current Light Reading, which is held in German.

Lichtwelt auf Telegram 

Inhaltsübersicht & Zeitleiste

🎧 Hier zur MP3

0:00:00 Bewege dich aus deiner Angst heraus! (Bewusstseinsarbeit)

0:29:30 Das Auge Gottes (Live-Botschaft)

0:37:00 Warum stagnieren so viele Lichtarbeiter?

0:51:00 Selbstbeobachtung im Alltag und ehrliche Selbsteinschätzung

1:04:00 Richtiger Umgang mit den Medien

0:12:00 Die “schweigende Mehrheit” beendet ihr Schweigen!

1:20:00 Was bedeutet wirklich vernetzt sein?

1:25:50 Entscheiden aus dem Bauchgefühl, Herzgefühl oder mit dem Verstand?

1:29:00 Der schnellste Weg zur Freiheit

1:35:00 GOTT greift ein und Gegenwart gestalten!

1:44:45 Das Endergebnis wird ein Menschliches sein!

1:51:00 Wo mein Herz mich hinzieht


Schlüssel zum Weltfrieden (pdf) – Babaji
MP3 Download der Lichtlesung
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