Message from Babaji
There is confusion among the people. Many want to save the world and fail. Many want to bring about this or that and fail. Many worry about the future of humanity and fail in their own present. his must now be seen and – if necessary – a correction in attitude must be initiated. Before you can serve humanity or truly come to the aid of just one person, your spiritual base must be strengthened and sustainable. Strengthening your spiritual base means connecting with yourself and directing the light within.

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
German original:
Lichtwelt Verlag Telegram
Take your time saving the world!
That’s what it is about
That’s what it is all about: serving every living being in the universe!
Beloved humans,
Advance courageously, go resolutely ahead of people and do not stop until you have done your work and fulfilled your assignments. Everything you will receive, every miracle is given to you as soon as you free yourselves from powerlessness and embrace the divine level of manifestation power.
How is this security and how is this trust in EVERYTHING THAT IS obtained?
Small steps first
By first taking small steps – step by step – by first clarifying and sorting out the small matters of life.
Your spiritual journey begins with yourself and small, because every mountain climb begins on one level – step by step.
There is confusion among the people.
Many want to save the world and fail. Many want to bring about this or that and fail. Many worry about the future of humanity and fail in their own present.
This must now be seen and – if necessary – a correction in attitude must be initiated.
Before you can serve humanity or truly come to the aid of just one person, your spiritual base must be strengthened and sustainable. Strengthening your spiritual base means connecting with yourself and directing the light within.
The correct order
Who will you serve if you lack love for yourself?
Thus, I encourage you first to an accurate introspection and to reconnect with yourself. This will take some time at first.
Therefore: Take your time with saving the world or with saving people! First put your house in order and keep it clean! Then your salvation-bringing path for ALL THAT IS can begin, because you are matured and ready for your service on earth. From the inside to the outside this is the way and the right order.
Leave all fear behind you and recognize the reality that you are! Recognize the truth, which is: GOD IS EVERYTHING and YOU ARE EVERYTHING IN GOD.
This is the video of the current Light Reading, which is held in German.
Lichtwelt auf Telegram 
Inhaltsübersicht & Zeitleiste
🎧 Hier zur MP3
0:00:00 Bewege dich aus deiner Angst heraus! (Bewusstseinsarbeit)
0:29:30 Das Auge Gottes (Live-Botschaft)
0:37:00 Warum stagnieren so viele Lichtarbeiter?
0:51:00 Selbstbeobachtung im Alltag und ehrliche Selbsteinschätzung
1:04:00 Richtiger Umgang mit den Medien
0:12:00 Die “schweigende Mehrheit” beendet ihr Schweigen!
1:20:00 Was bedeutet wirklich vernetzt sein?
1:25:50 Entscheiden aus dem Bauchgefühl, Herzgefühl oder mit dem Verstand?
1:29:00 Der schnellste Weg zur Freiheit
1:35:00 GOTT greift ein und Gegenwart gestalten!
1:44:45 Das Endergebnis wird ein Menschliches sein!
1:51:00 Wo mein Herz mich hinzieht
Schlüssel zum Weltfrieden (pdf) – Babaji
MP3 Download der Lichtlesung
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