Message from Jesus Sananda

Your consciousness directs life, and it is not life that directs your consciousness. This is not an esoteric concept to provide inactivity, error and confusion, but this is the basic direction that is now at stake.

photo credit: Andrea Percht

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
  German original:
  Lichtwelt Verlag Telegram 

How is reality created?

Consciousness controls life

Beloved humans,

What has been announced to you in tragedy and drama by many prophets can only be fulfilled to the extent that you identify with these events. Your consciousness directs life, and it is not life that directs your consciousness.

This is not an esoteric concept to provide inactivity, error and confusion, but this is the basic direction that is now at stake. To withdraw the energy from certain forecasts and thereby to undo them – this is done in two ways:

1.) To perceive EVERY scenario, to acknowledge everything and ignore nothing.

2.) To choose YOUR scenario.

Creating reality and choosing the timeline

It’s very simple: What do you focus the majority of your attention on? This is how you create reality and your timeline.

Complicated? Only as long as you allow the manipulative fear energies more reality than the nourishing power of love. Love, like all energies, is omnipresent. It is your choice that declines everything.

JJK: But suffering does not disappear just because I choose love? I also have to live with wars, hunger, transhumanism, etc., although I direct my energy to the light-filled?

JESUS SANANDA: Suffering disappears to the extent that individuals aim at the light-filled. Thinking and feeling full of light bring forth deeds full of light. This is a process that begins with each individual. I say to you:

Your time has come!

Never before in human history have so many people been busy manifesting the NEW Earth and the NEW humanity through their love. This will make the difference in the end.

The way is – to look at what is.

The goal is – to manifest what you want.

Your will is decisive. The manifestation power of people increases every day and the speed at which light-filled developments show themselves increases rapidly.

That is the only reason why the entities of the cold light are rushing to implement their plans. For their time is running out just as your time has come.

I am with you, I love you infinitely.

This is the video of the current Light Reading, which is held in German.

Lichtwelt auf Telegram 

Inhaltsübersicht & Zeitleiste

🎧 Hier zur MP3

0:00:00 Bewege dich aus deiner Angst heraus! (Bewusstseinsarbeit)

0:29:30 Das Auge Gottes (Live-Botschaft)

0:37:00 Warum stagnieren so viele Lichtarbeiter?

0:51:00 Selbstbeobachtung im Alltag und ehrliche Selbsteinschätzung

1:04:00 Richtiger Umgang mit den Medien

0:12:00 Die “schweigende Mehrheit” beendet ihr Schweigen!

1:20:00 Was bedeutet wirklich vernetzt sein?

1:25:50 Entscheiden aus dem Bauchgefühl, Herzgefühl oder mit dem Verstand?

1:29:00 Der schnellste Weg zur Freiheit

1:35:00 GOTT greift ein und Gegenwart gestalten!

1:44:45 Das Endergebnis wird ein Menschliches sein!

1:51:00 Wo mein Herz mich hinzieht


Schlüssel zum Weltfrieden (pdf) – Babaji
MP3 Download der Lichtlesung
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