Council of Pleiades
We invite you to take stock at this point. How connected are you with yourself or with GOD? Are you already living – or are you still being lived? Is devotion to GOD an issue for you yet? Are you still triggered by events, making it difficult to come into your center? Or are you already moving out of the circus of life back to the source? Do you already have an inkling of what really matters – and are you gradually losing interest in this world? Do you observe, do you do shadow and light work – and in doing so are you increasingly touched by a silent longing for GOD? Are you crying for no reason? Where are you really standing in your spiritual development? Are you already letting GOD work or is your mind the unrestricted ruler of your life? On this basis, you can determine the scope of this message for you.
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
German original:
Lichtwelt Verlag Telegram
Until longing can find you
How is that possible?
Beloved brothers and sisters of light!
From the vastness of the universe you have descended to earth to ascend with the earth into the light. Now the process of upliftment is reaching the next stage; it is the moment when the fruits of your labor become visible.
The Powers of Light are with you and the brothers and sisters of your spiritual home are becoming more and more tangible in your lives. The veil that separated us until now is becoming transparent and Project Earth is being fulfilled as we navigate together through this final phase of planetary and cosmic upliftment.
Beloved sister, beloved brother from the light!
How can you give yourself to GOD with full confidence? That is the question for more and more people now. How is that possible when you are full of thoughts and ruled by emotions?
How is something brought about which is fundamentally not given to the being of a human being, but which you must first work out and become aware of?
The first formula is:
You can surrender only after you have lived!
Live your life!
Many people take the SECOND step before the FIRST and the THIRD before the SECOND.
What it is all about first is that you courageously engage in YOUR LIFE and courageously plunge into the adventures that YOUR LIFE has in store for you.
Only when you have lived and experienced everything you wanted to experience, does that part of your consciousness open up that makes you receptive to devotion.
Live your life, live it with everything that defines you as a human being: mistakes and detours, experience them, get engaged in them!
As soon as you have lived everything and when life as it is no longer interests you, then you are ripe for pure devotion to GOD. Any other approach is at best esoteric rapture, but mostly an escape from responsibility – towards yourself and towards life.
It happens that a lot of people no longer want to confront their life and the life in this world. They close their eyes, avoid the world, retreat to their meditation carpet and engage in this or that spiritual practice to block out the outside world.
This practice leads nowhere, for those who have not lived on earth will not find a new life on the spiritual plane.
Losing the interest
Withdrawal – because you don’t want to face the daily challenges anymore – is not a solution. Mastering life, recognizing the assignments, accepting the tasks and losing interest in them after the work is done – that is the right order.
Only a warrior can turn away from war and only the one who has lived can lose interest in it, because a soul that has exhausted everything turns to the true by itself. Then the SPIRITUAL LIFE awaits you, because the EARTHLY-HUMAN is lived and experienced abundantly.
As soon as you lose interest in this world, without controlling it, devotion and trust in everything that is begin. Then you live in the world and yet you are not of it.
This is how we challenge you: LIVE! Before you can give yourself to GOD, it is necessary to experience the separation from GOD in its full scope and depth.
You have to wait for the moment when your soul rushes back to GOD on its own – it is the birth of your longing.
As long as you ask yourself, how can I surrender to GOD or whether your devotion is real, you are not yet ready, and devotion is still a concept. Those who have devoted themselves know it – and no more words are needed.
Authentic people
So what can you do to achieve devotion?
Pray to GOD – for strength – so that you can find the courage and live YOUR LIFE. That is what it is all about now.
This time needs authentic people and not imitations or copycats – to be yourself, to make your own decisions, to take responsibility for them and to LIVE.
Pray for courage, for strength and for perseverance! Ask for nothing else, because everything you need will be given to you as soon as you get up and start living your life.
I, (state your name here),
ask GOD for courage, so that I can live my life and take it into my own hands.
I ask GOD for strength, so that I can go through self-deceptions and experience myself as truthful.
I ask GOD for perseverance.
Pause …
Yet another point is crucial in AUTHENTIC LIFE: your willingness to relinquish control and no longer constantly intervene in the flow of life – to let life do its thing, to let it flow, to give up and relinquish control.
Give up control!
For this, too, time and development is needed, it needs experiences and sometimes it is only the psychological or physical pain that makes you distance yourself from it. A controlled person cannot devote himself to a situation, to a person, and certainly not to GOD.
How can you empower yourself, how can you achieve self-determination?
By removing what stands in your way – and that means giving up control. Isn’t that a contradiction? No, beloved human! The Self acts outside the control of your mind, and only your ego-mind creates turmoil and likes to rise up to be the controller of your consciousness. The self has nothing to do with it. The self interacts with the divine knowledge that is not attached to the ego.
Self-empowerment and self-determination obey your spiritual wisdom and are not subject to the limitations of a human consciousness.
The second formula is: Live and be ready to give up control!
This instantly leads to relaxation, and you can surrender to the flow of your life with ease. Your ego-mind is the biggest obstacle on the way to a self-determined life and on the way to GOD. Having confidence in yourself, in your Self, means not allowing the ego’s mechanisms of control and power to dominate. If you are mature, then at a certain moment your attention shifts, and you begin to trust yourself and the flow of life instead of your ego.
Trust in life!?
How is that possible when disappointments are omnipresent?
Now, when relationships are falling apart, when existential fears are spreading and when the future seems uncertain – to trust in life right now?
We invite you to take stock at this point. How connected are you with yourself or with GOD? Are you already living – or are you still being lived? Is devotion to GOD an issue for you yet? Are you still triggered by events, making it difficult to come into your center? Or are you already moving out of the circus of life back to the source? Do you already have an inkling of what really matters – and are you gradually losing interest in this world? Do you observe, do you do shadow and light work – and in doing so are you increasingly touched by a silent longing for GOD? Are you crying for no reason? Where are you really standing in your spiritual development?
Are you already letting GOD work or is your mind the unrestricted ruler of your life?
Pause …
On this basis, you can determine the scope of this message for you.
So live your life so that longing can find you – for the stairs of knowledge rise from heaven to earth and from darkness to light.
The planet of love awakens!
This is the video of the current Light Reading, which is held in German.
Lichtwelt auf Telegram
Inhaltsübersicht & Zeitleiste
🎧 Hier zur MP3
0:00:00 Bewege dich aus deiner Angst heraus! (Bewusstseinsarbeit)
0:29:30 Das Auge Gottes (Live-Botschaft)
0:37:00 Warum stagnieren so viele Lichtarbeiter?
0:51:00 Selbstbeobachtung im Alltag und ehrliche Selbsteinschätzung
1:04:00 Richtiger Umgang mit den Medien
0:12:00 Die “schweigende Mehrheit” beendet ihr Schweigen!
1:20:00 Was bedeutet wirklich vernetzt sein?
1:25:50 Entscheiden aus dem Bauchgefühl, Herzgefühl oder mit dem Verstand?
1:29:00 Der schnellste Weg zur Freiheit
1:35:00 GOTT greift ein und Gegenwart gestalten!
1:44:45 Das Endergebnis wird ein Menschliches sein!
1:51:00 Wo mein Herz mich hinzieht
Schlüssel zum Weltfrieden (pdf) – Babaji
MP3 Download der Lichtlesung
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