Message from Archangel Chamuel
Prophecies that the earth will perish with humanity can no longer be fulfilled on this earth, because you are evolving out of this dark energy field. You begin to distance yourselves from the fears that are now being stirred up and you begin to emancipate yourselves from the end of the world. Centered and anchored in GOD, you attribute more power to your own alignment than to the manipulators of this plane. Let the storytellers tell and let those intoxicated with power rage until they run dry.
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
German original:
Lichtwelt Verlag Telegram
There will be no end of the world!
Phoenix from the ashes
The earth will not suffer permanent damage and humanity will be reborn and rise – like a phoenix from the ashes.
Do not believe the doomsday scenarios! Perceive them as what they are: Images of the third density which can and will fulfill themselves only on the third density!
You, however, move higher every day, you have left the low vibrating realms, you, however, orient yourselves towards the highest, even if it is still unattainable for you.
Prophecies that the earth will perish with humanity can no longer be fulfilled on this earth, because you are evolving out of this dark energy field. You begin to distance yourselves from the fears that are now being stirred up and you begin to emancipate yourselves from the end of the world.
Centered and anchored in GOD, you attribute more power to your own alignment than to the manipulators of this plane. Let the storytellers tell and let those intoxicated with power rage until they run dry.
Become active in a new way!
Become active by redeeming the dark sides in yourselves! Then the world can no longer harm you.
Become active by responding to the present time with inner realization!
The knowledge that is born in your heart is what matters now. For this, it is necessary to have a direct access to the heart. This happens through the release of your still existing wounds from this time and from past times.
More and more people are treading the path of self-healing and salvation. This fact leads to the fact that many things that were prophesied to you can no longer come true.
You have done your homework, and it is now happening that things are unfolding under GOD’s care for the benefit of all.
The righteous, the good, the light-filled, who surrender to GOD’s love, turn the game.
Destruction and future
The destruction of old structures continues and continues to take place in the inner as well as in the outer world. This prepares the ground for humanity, which has chosen the higher plane of being, dedicated to unity and consecrated to peace.
A future full of light awaits you and it is already coming towards you. What must decay will decay so that what you have sown can flourish, grow and blossom.
The victory of light through your love is completed in these days.
This is the video of the current Light Reading, which is held in German.
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Inhaltsübersicht & Zeitleiste
🎧 Hier zur MP3
0:00:00 Bewege dich aus deiner Angst heraus! (Bewusstseinsarbeit)
0:29:30 Das Auge Gottes (Live-Botschaft)
0:37:00 Warum stagnieren so viele Lichtarbeiter?
0:51:00 Selbstbeobachtung im Alltag und ehrliche Selbsteinschätzung
1:04:00 Richtiger Umgang mit den Medien
0:12:00 Die “schweigende Mehrheit” beendet ihr Schweigen!
1:20:00 Was bedeutet wirklich vernetzt sein?
1:25:50 Entscheiden aus dem Bauchgefühl, Herzgefühl oder mit dem Verstand?
1:29:00 Der schnellste Weg zur Freiheit
1:35:00 GOTT greift ein und Gegenwart gestalten!
1:44:45 Das Endergebnis wird ein Menschliches sein!
1:51:00 Wo mein Herz mich hinzieht
Schlüssel zum Weltfrieden (pdf) – Babaji
MP3 Download der Lichtlesung
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