Message from Master St. Germain

Your children are not little adults, but they are wise souls who grow through your love and will one day let go of your hand.

photo credit: Andrea Percht

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations


Give the children your love!

Freedom and love

Give your children all your love! Respect their decisions and support them in the realization of their goals!

Your children are God’s children, just as you are God’s children. Let your children go when the time has come.

Their souls are just as free as your soul was when you emancipated from your parents – you can’t hold anyone back who is naturally striving for freedom and self-determination.

Give your children comfort and intimacy for as long as they ask for it. Be for them the living example of humanity and compassion! Don’t punish your children, never scold them, and show them the same respect that you want from them.

Your children are not little adults, but they are wise souls who grow through your love and will one day let go of your hand.

• Parents, avoid any argument in the presence of your children, and never reprimand them in the presence of others.

• Children, show your parents respect and comply with what seems coherent to you.

• Parents, your children shine their soul’s light. Protect that light until they are able to protect it themselves.

• Children, your parents are building bridges into life for you, but you need to cross them yourselves.

Parents and children alike, fathers, mothers, sons and daughters, stem from the cosmic family and as human beings fulfill their agreements. You gather together here on earth for individual growth and the growth of the spirit tribe. You serve each other by offering mutual support and compassion.

One day all entanglements are resolved and you are free to love each other – just the way you are.

With endless love,

18 Uhr Licht: Präsentation im neuen Video der 120. Lichtlesung, ab 1:09:00 Minuten

This is the video of the current Light Reading, which is held in German.


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Inhaltsübersicht und Zeitleiste:




0:00:00 Bindungen aufgeben und loslassen

 0:23:50 Gnade Gottes in Hülle und Fülle (Live-Botschaft)

0:35:45 Buchpräsentation SANANDA OFFENBARUNGEN 2

0:39:50 Die Liebe

0:53:00 Einweihung

1:00:30 Gesetz des Handelns

1:09:00 Präsentation des “18 Uhr-Lichts für Frieden und Freiheit”

1:22:30 Präsentation: “Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen wirklich gut”

1:27:30 Was heißt “auf das Herz hören” in der Praxis?

1:36:00 Der Weg des Herzens

1:46:00 “Jupiter Ascending” und welche Zukunft erwartet uns?

1:51:00 Wie das Wort Gottes wirkt – Lesermails

1:59:40 In welche Welt bin ich geraten?

2:14:00 Die Welt nicht in dich hineinlassen!

2:18:00 MM – frei einmal die Woche!

2:25:30 Die Menschen “retten” oder “aufwecken” – wirklich? Und was heißt “Transformationsarbeit?”

2:33:00 Der Himmel auf Erden ist nah!



→ Schlüssel zum Weltfrieden (pdf) – Babaji
→ MP3 Download der Lichtlesungen
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