Message from Master El Morya

The human factor makes the scales tip – the human being who remains loving and who, with the sword of truth, wins the fight that seemed unwinnable at first.

photo credit: Andrea Percht


Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations


The human factor tips the scales!

You are the way

Love is the only power in the world that in the end will put all the pieces together that now have to be destroyed and ablated. Love is the solution to all problems and the answer to all questions. Love is the way, and this way is YOU!

Beloved human being,

at the face of everything that is revealed to you now, remain loving and nourish this love with good deeds. Keep your inner focus on peace, and end days that upset you with a silent prayer or a short meditation.

It doesn’t matter if you sometimes slide into anger or rage, but it does have a huge effect if you remain in that state of anger or rage.

An angry warrior has lost the fight before it has even started. Anger and rage cloud your vision and poison your judgement.

It is essential to look at the big picture and maintain a higher perspective are if you want to make it through the fight between fear and love and come out victorious:

• Judge and differentiate, but don’t condemn!

• Call a spade a spade and name names, but don’t dwell on it!

• Speak truthfully and be truthful without expecting to be understood.

• Live your divine missions without looking back.

• Be determined and courageous, and have complete faith in God.

• Love thy neighbor even if they do wrong.

• Judge the deed, not the person.

• Be conscious and aware of what is happening, but at the same time be conscious of the immanent natural end to the current events, because the life expectancy of injustice and hatred in this world is limited.

You are the shift!

Human beings are in the process of awakening, and their number increases daily! You are turning your backs on this scheming with all your strength, and with each day you are becoming more aware of the power of your love.

The dark rulers of this matrix weren’t expecting that, they couldn’t factor that in.

The human factor makes the scales tip – the human being who remains loving and who, with the sword of truth, wins the fight that seemed unwinnable at first.

You’ve got the power to do great things, and you are in the process of doing so! In the midst of the fight, in the midst of world affairs, the outcome of the cosmic game between LIGHT and DARK, FEAR and LOVE, is decided.

You are on earth here and now – and rightfully so! The shift that was initiated on upper earth happens inside of you. Because you are that shift.

With endless love,

This is the video of the current Light Reading, which is held in German.

Hier zum MP3- Download

Inhaltsübersicht und Zeitleiste:





0:00:00  Zeit der Meisterschaft & 10. Verankerung von Lichtsäulen – an deinem Wohnort

0:27:00 Vom ICH zum WIR (Live-Botschaft)

0:35:00 Durchhalten und vom Zweifel zur Gewissheit

0:46:00 Tage, Wochen, Monate – Aus: DIE GROSSE ZEIT IST GEKOMMEN

0:54:00 Dieser Kampf ist nur mit Gott zu gewinnen!

1:02:05 Warum tun die das alles? Wie schafft man so viel “Unmenschlichkeit”?

1:07:10 Der große Betrug fliegt jetzt auf!

1:11:45 Mit Ihnen ist nichts falsch, sondern alles in Ordnung!

1:17:10 Neue Schwingung beschleunigt das Erwachen! (Einweihung)

1:26:50 OM NAMAH SHIVAY – Der Weg aus der Krise

1:32:00 Wann bist du frei?

1:35:30 Der Faktor Menschen bringt die Entscheidung!

1:44:30 Symbol CB9 – Wirkungsweise

1:49:00 Von der ersten Blühte bis zur Meisterschaft – Mitgefühl oder Mitleid?

1:53:50 Warum am Ende alles gut wird!

1:57:30 Alles ist aus Liebe.

2:01:15 Das Ende wird der neue Anfang sein!

2:12:00 Das Geschenk seiner Liebe steht für dich bereit – Aus: LICHT 2






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