Message from Sanat Kumara
Only those who know that they are in the right life and busy with the right tasks are happy and peaceful, no matter what they do.

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations
Longing for self-consciousness
Live your life!
How do you develop the longing for self-consciousness?
Beloved human,
It is the course of involution that naturally brings you to this point. You can neither force the longing for God nor the longing for self-consciousness. It happens when the time is ripe and when you are ready.
However, there is something you can do to keep getting closer to this point in your personal development!
Live your life! Pay attention to inner impulses and follow your conscience – from conscience to knowing, from knowing to certainty. Follow your inner voice and live your life! Each incarnation as a human being serves you as an opportunity for gaining new skills and becoming more perfect on the inside.
You chose the issues you wish to work on in a lifetime before you were born – and you chose the adventures you wish to experience before being born.
Recognizing these lessons when your soul brings them to light, that is your task. If you succeed in establishing a deep inner connection with yourself, you always find the right path and errors are rare.
Each person is born with missions. What wants to be experienced must be experienced. This is the only way to find happiness in life.
Only those who know that they are in the right life and busy with the right tasks are happy and peaceful, no matter what they do.
Life after life you master your challenges until everything is mastered and you have achieved mastery.
Then true awakening starts, then your longing for self-consciousness emerges from your soul and the union with God becomes your only aspiration.
This longing comes to you, it finds you – and then God is no longer a stranger.
Live your life courageously! Find and master your tasks! Follow the call of your soul – until your longing for God awakens!
I love you endlessly.
This is the video of the current Light Reading, which is held in German.
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Inhaltsübersicht und Zeitleiste:
0:00:00 Zeit der Meisterschaft & 10. Verankerung von Lichtsäulen – an deinem Wohnort
0:27:00 Vom ICH zum WIR (Live-Botschaft)
0:35:00 Durchhalten und vom Zweifel zur Gewissheit
0:46:00 Tage, Wochen, Monate – Aus: DIE GROSSE ZEIT IST GEKOMMEN
0:54:00 Dieser Kampf ist nur mit Gott zu gewinnen!
1:02:05 Warum tun die das alles? Wie schafft man so viel “Unmenschlichkeit”?
1:07:10 Der große Betrug fliegt jetzt auf!
1:11:45 Mit Ihnen ist nichts falsch, sondern alles in Ordnung!
1:17:10 Neue Schwingung beschleunigt das Erwachen! (Einweihung)
1:26:50 OM NAMAH SHIVAY – Der Weg aus der Krise
1:32:00 Wann bist du frei?
1:35:30 Der Faktor Menschen bringt die Entscheidung!
1:44:30 Symbol CB9 – Wirkungsweise
1:49:00 Von der ersten Blühte bis zur Meisterschaft – Mitgefühl oder Mitleid?
1:53:50 Warum am Ende alles gut wird!
1:57:30 Alles ist aus Liebe.
2:01:15 Das Ende wird der neue Anfang sein!
2:12:00 Das Geschenk seiner Liebe steht für dich bereit – Aus: LICHT 2
→ Now: every 6 hours meditation for world peace!
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