Conversation with Master St. Germain
There is a collective surge of energy breezing through this country, and it is spreading throughout Europe and the entire globe. The collective awakening of humanity starts in Austria, and it starts NOW.
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations
Collective Awakening starts in Austria!
Mandatory vaccination enacted in Austria!
JJK: Today, right this moment as we speak, the Austrian parliament is enacting mandatory vaccination. For me, this is the mark of yet another low in the sociopolitical development in our country. Will this be going on for much longer?
MASTER ST. GERMAIN: This law is another milestone in the accelerated awakening of more and more people!
Good is inherent in evil, and the good thing is that with each additional dose of injustice, the inner longing for justice and truth grows in people.
Only a quarter of all Austrians welcome the mandatory vaccination with conviction, the rest have their doubts or reject it altogether. Which means, politicians act against the better part of the population, unaware of the consequences.
Each individual who voted in favor today will regret this bitterly one day. Because even though this law accelerates people’s awakening, no one who co-enforced it will be relieved of their responsibility.
Human awakening can happen in many ways, and there doesn’t not always have to be such a fight.
JJK: What kind of fight?
MEISTER ST. GERMAIN: The fight you have already started to regain your freedom – inner and outer.
People who experience inner freedom won’t allow being imprisoned by anything or anyone, nor being degraded or suppressed.
The inner freedom many of you have worked towards over the course of the past years is contradictory to the outer restrictions.
This situation cannot be perpetuated much longer. The kingdom of peace you experience inside wants to be experienced outside as well. This is exactly what everything is moving towards, this is where the collective energy of humanity flows.
Freedom based on truthfulness, that is the path you have chosen, the path that more and more Austrians will choose due to today’s decisions by the parliament.
There is a collective surge of energy breezing through this country, and it is spreading throughout Europe and the entire globe. The collective awakening of humanity starts in Austria, and it starts NOW.
This process is irreversible and this path is getting richer in energy, spirit and love. Only one who loves has a longing for truth.
Energy spreading to Germany!
JJK: What is Germany’s role in this?
MASTER ST. GERMAIN: The energy is spreading form the smaller country to the bigger country – very soon you will celebrate great successes – TOGETHER. You will reach the goal of liberation together.
JJK: Does this mean taking on external fights?
MASTER ST. GERMAIN: taking on YOUR fights!
This means: take a good look to discern your missions. All that matters is that YOU are in the right place, that YOU get acquainted with YOUR very own missions. Then you know your place and your role.
Never blindly engage in a fight – it has to be YOUR business, then you are in the right place.
There are many ways to fight. And you need to examine closely what your way is – and act accordingly.
Don’t follow anyone but your higher Self! Listen to the call of your heart and the whisper of your soul.
Until you have gained certainty I will stand by you – with the golden-violet flame of transformation.
This is the video of the current Light Reading, which is held in German.
Inhaltsübersicht und Zeitleiste:
0:00:00 Gute Erdung und konstante Anbindung
0:27:00 Erlösung sebst gestalten! (Live-Botschaft)
0:41:15 Wie sind wir mit unserer Erkrankung umgegangen sind
0:47:30 Das große Aufräumen
0:54:50 “Ich habe keine Angst!” Wirklich?
0:59:35 Warum erleben auch “spirituelle” Menschen Dramen.
1:07:20 Kehrst du heim oder reist du ab?
1:09:20 Ist Auswandern eine Lösung?
1:22:05 Was heißt Gottvertrauen?
1:28:45 Warum die NWO scheitert!
1:33:15 Das Unrecht wird beseitigt!
1:38:20 An einem einzigen Tag …
1:41:05 Das Positive sehen ist die Kunst
1:46:15 Hawkins-Skala auf 1000
1:53:45 Wie vermeide ich Pandemie?
1:58:50 Was kommt 2022?
2:05:25 Die große Revolution hat begonnen!
2:11:20 Karte aus dem schamanischen Seelenorakel
2:19:25 Es ist vorbei!
→ Now: every 6 hours meditation for world peace!
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