Message from Sananda
The separation of the worlds happens in your consciousness first. Through a more and more refined awareness and an increasing amount of love flowing from your heart you become part of something new.
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations
Take responsibility for your life!
Separation of the worlds
Do your best, stand up for all forms of life and for peace. Every project and every human being that is promoting the light is supported by the spiritual realms. Ascension means turning to light and peace, it means acting from a place of true compassion and true love.
The separation of the worlds happens in your consciousness first. Through a more and more refined awareness and an increasing amount of love flowing from your heart you become part of something new.
Anyone who remains caught up in old thought forms, sticks to old patterns and doesn’t want to let go of outdated belief systems remains trapped in the old structures of this world without reaching perfection.
Inscrutable are the ways of God, so it says in the scriptures. Take responsibility for yourself and leave everything else to God!
This is the path of return and the bridge into the light.
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