THE BIOGRAPHY OF JESUS, My Life on Earth, Part II – JAHN J KASSL (digital publication)
Did the Last Supper actually take place? Who was Judas? Was there a betrayal of Jesus? How did the last days in Jerusalem take shape? Adam and Eve, the reanimation of Lazarus, the Sermon on the Mount, the Lord’s Prayer in the words of Jesus. Yet in this volume Jesus also concretely talks about the actual situation on the planet. Church and State are urged to turn back, the significance of the baptism is revealed, the Sermon on the Mount and Lord’s prayer are given free of influences from Catholic apologists. This volume of the Biography of Jesus is much more than the continuation of Part I, instead it brings an extent of Love to earth, which far surpasses everything that has been experienced so far. The earth and we human Beings have reached a degree of development, which enables these high energies, and due to this book we may directly experience this power of Love, take it in and integrate it into our energy system. A new, stronger level of human togetherness has been reached and the Biography of Jesus II is the document for it.
86 pages in PDF format
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