High Self
Everything is possible for the divine consciousness of a human being. It is possible for us to show ourselves in different forms in different places at the same time. This miracle eludes us during our lifetime on earth. However, as soon as we shed our earthly limitations and restrictions and have a clear view again, the whole cosmic scene, the whole divine being – expressed in our multidimensional being – reveals itself to us.

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
From the German original:
How is it possible that Mary Magdalene and Lady Nada are of the same nature and pass on individual messages?
Dear Mr. Kassl,
Thank you very much, it worked wonderfully! I was able to read the light reading immediately and was once again deeply impressed and grateful for it.
For the book that we can ask a question about, which may then be answered by the spirit world, I have one that has never been answered:
How is it possible that both Mary Magdalene and Lady Nada (who is written and said to be a reincarnation of Mary Magdalene) can give individual and independent messages?
I would also like to place a binding order for the this new book, which is due to be published at the beginning of December.
Thank you very much, Christina
Our multidimensional being
Something specific is expressed in every embodiment on earth! In each embodiment we have individual assignments and specific tasks. After each incarnation, we return to our unchanging eternal spirit and integrate the lessons and experiences we have gained into our entire being.
From the plane of our multidimensional spirit, it is possible for us to take on every form we have ever embodied on earth and present ourselves with the attributes we brought to fruition and the character that distinguished us. Jesus can appear as Jesus, as Christ or reveal himself as Sananda. What is behind it is always the ONE essence of our spirit, which is able to express itself in different forms and bodies.
Everything is possible for the divine consciousness of a human being. It is possible for us to show ourselves in different forms in different places at the same time. This miracle eludes us during our lifetime on earth.
However, as soon as we shed our earthly limitations and restrictions and have a clear view again, the whole cosmic scene, the whole divine being – expressed in our multidimensional being – reveals itself to us.
PS: I regularly receive messages from Jesus, Christ, Sananda, Jesus Sananda or Jesus Christ. What or who is behind this? How can this be explained?
“Jesus Christ and the consciousness of Sananda are ONE! Therefore, it is always the ONE consciousness that works through this book.”
I would also like to mention this information at the beginning of this second part of the biography of Jesus. I would like to thank my editor for pointing this out to me so that the chapters signed differently by HIM (with Jesus Christ or Sananda) do not confuse us. It is always HE who speaks to us, and his eternal name, his “vibrational name”, is Sananda.
Every person has such an “eternal” name, but we are usually unaware of it. Through this name we bring our multidimensional reality to light and so our true being is recognizable to everyone in the universe – the personal signature through which we express our full potential!
“Jesus of Nazareth”, the Jesus who is familiar to us and who has played such an important role in the history of mankind for 2000 years, is therefore an embodiment of Sananda, the blissful unconditional love from eternity.
Through Jesus, the Christ Consciousness (hence Jesus Christ) was anchored on earth, thus enabling every person to access their I-AM-Presence.
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