Your Angels
Have no worries about your ascension, because you have already ascended. Have no fears about your spiritual future, for it has long since been decided. Have no doubts about your path, because only those who walk have questions. Wait and pray! Let the worries come and go! Look at doubt with an open mind! Is your ego stirring you up? Observe! There is nothing more to do.

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
From the German original:
“I could no longer hold the light!”
Found and lost again
Dear Mr. Jahn J Kassl,
I have just watched the 129th light reading – as always powerful and deeply woven into All-that-Is and touching.
Thank you for your guidance and light-bringing work for so many years. I am deeply grateful, difficult to express in human language, that your light shines and has also reached me a few years ago.
Now you have suggested a book project. For some months now, I have been preoccupied with a question inside me, or perhaps more a deep concern. Asking it is somewhat shameful, as it is probably posed from the space of separation (from my self). If you have the feeling that an answer would serve more than one person, please feel free to ask it here.
I am 32 years old and have been searching for GOD all my life, as we all do. In 2020 came a deep night of the soul and then an even deeper awakening, a feeling as if God had breathed me in again. A different consciousness began to expand within me. Your work and all Light Beings speak of this awakening/ascension I suppose.
The world remained the same, but my view of it was bathed in beauty and love. I became love. Not an esoteric light & love & glitter idea, but this deep peace that I am loved and the world even more so. A love that carries a lot of clarity and is far “removed” from all that I knew. I believe that some patterns, beliefs and many illusions of separation have begun to dissolve in the light of GOD. I felt Jesus in me and with me for the first time. I have begun to recognize who I am and to live out of my higher self in many parts.
Now my deep concern and question. After this time, I fell back into an old pattern and realized it late. Everything fell away, many shadows came to me. At some point I could no longer hold the light, the fear came back. Now the awareness and the wakefulness in relation to current events, etc. is still present in all parts, but my own vibrational field is enormously condensed – I have slipped into shame, guilt and self-sabotage. As if my consciousness were anchored in 5D, but I had – with a part of myself – slipped back into the ego, 3D, into separation.
Since I was identified with this density before I woke up, but now I consciously perceive how unconsciously and in a state of victimization I act, I ask myself how I should deal with it. In short:
So I have ended up partly separated and in absolute deprivation again, and yet I am still awake – a worrying state of affairs. Conversely, does this mean that I have fallen out of GOD’s grace and am now missing out on the ascension, as it is already in full swing and I have “fallen out again”? Or is this a glorious question of fear and thus the ego’s illusion of believing that all doors are now closed? And how can I tell whether my soul has perhaps decided deep inside me to experience another round on the merry-go-round of the 3D world or whether it is another grandiose idea of illusion?
It is such a deep worry to be left behind, to be lost. Now that I am experiencing for almost 3 years what heaven on earth could be like and that it exists, that we are all undivided consciousness/love, so much more than we believe. It pains me deeply that I am now experiencing all of this and therefore deeply “know” but no longer “am” feeling it.
Since I have awakened, the separation scares me even more as I am now aware of it. Perhaps many people feel this way and heaven wants to provide answers for those who have found and lost again.
Thank you.
Me Agape Stephanie
It will pass!
Feeling lost? It will pass.
Are you experiencing anxiety? It will pass.
You feel the separation? It will pass.
You think you’ve fallen out of oneness? It will pass.
Are you experiencing the hardships of the ego? It will pass.
You do not know what your soul has chosen? It will pass.
Have you found yourself and lost yourself again? It will pass and you will find yourself again.
What remains is: your eternal connection to the divine!
No matter what impression your ego-consciousness gives you and what influences confuse you, unsettle you and limit you in your daily consciousness, your soul knows the way, your divine consciousness has decided and GOD is the only reality for you.
True is …
Anyone who has made the choice at soul level and aligns their life with GOD is often plagued by doubts, because in the case of such a person all unresolved issues are resolved at the root. Those who want to reach GOD are grasped by GOD in their whole being and loved in their whole being. Whether you feel your attachment or whether you lose the feeling – it does not matter for your divine consciousness, because the truth is:
You are connected, you will remain connected and you have always been connected.
Those who have made the great decision for GOD will be tested and embraced by GOD, challenged and encouraged by GOD. For such a person has truly determined his return to oneness and has irrevocably embarked on the path of his transformation.
What you experience will pass after you have derived all your experiences. The insights you gain will carry you further than you can imagine. Your light was bright, remains bright and is bright, now it becomes visible to you again. The dark days lose their power.
Have no worries about your ascension, because you have already ascended. Have no fears about your spiritual future, for it has long since been decided. Have no doubts about your path, because only those who walk have questions. Wait and pray! Let the worries come and go! Look at doubt with an open mind! Is your ego stirring you up? Observe! There is nothing more to do.
Be and become, trust your choice! Everything is decided because you have decided.
You are safe in the hands of GOD.
Where is the YOU and where is the ME?
We love you infinitely
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