Conversation with Babaji

The new is paving the way and becoming visible to people’s eyes! Some things will come out of nowhere, some things have been prepared for a long time and will gradually conquer this time. 2025 is a great year in which some will finally set course for the lightful epoch and others irrevocably return to the planes of dense matter!

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
From the German original:
WAS KOMMT 2025? (Teil 4)

What is coming in 2025? (Part 4)

(Part 4 of 4)

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3


JJK: It seems to me that a great tension is building up for the year 2025. An inner restlessness has spread through me, it is like before a performance, the actors are nervous and the audience is in happy anticipation. But who are the actors and who represents the audience?

BABAJI: The new is paving the way and becoming visible to people’s eyes! Some things will come out of nowhere, some things have been prepared for a long time and will gradually conquer this time. What you sense is rooted in people’s restlessness and uncertainty.

People’s souls have received the impulse to enter a new age, but people’s day-to-day consciousness has no idea. Everything that can be felt but not yet understood creates unrest and uncertainty.

Such an important year is in store for mankind, as decisive changes will become noticeable and visible on all planes.

2025 is a great year in which some will finally set course for the lightful epoch and others irrevocably return to the planes of dense matter!

The actors are the incarnated, the people who have become flesh, and the participating audience is the entire cosmos, which awaits your metamorphosis and the transformation of the earth, the bright star, with excitement and joy.

JJK: The separation of the worlds, different timelines – how can I imagine that? As it says in the Bible: “Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left.” (Matthew 24:40)

BABAJI: What is written corresponds to the truth which is:

The divine reveals itself to those who have chosen God at the right time, at the right hour.


Timelines are worlds on which all human decisions manifest themselves.

Different planets and different stars are reborn in an infinite process of creation. In this way, everything that has been manifested through the intention of human beings is realized.

Every decision unfolds a new timeline, creation expands infinitely into infinity, invisible to the human eye.

Timelines are created based on people’s intentions and decisions.

This also answers the question of the separation of the worlds. All low-vibrating thoughts, intentions and decisions are manifested on a low-vibrating plane of existence.

Those who raise their vibration and consciously work on their soul garment to increase the energy of love will find themselves on the corresponding world. In this way, the incarnation cycle on low-vibrating earths ends for many people in this existence of theirs.


JJK: Will there be many shocks or new traumas with all these changes?

BABAJI: Here too, the spiritual constitution of the individual must be taken into account. Those who tune into the light lack nothing, on the contrary, these people welcome the change and know how to react appropriately. These people resonate and take flight!

What the soul secretly expects cannot trigger a shock in the psyche.

It is different for those who cling to their human shell as if it were their only possession.

Ascension or descent – people’s destinies are fulfilled in both ways.

JJK: How can people keep their nerve and remain calm during these upheavals?

BABAJI: God draws a trail of light for every person through this time. There is only orientation with God. Those who choose God are led by God, those who are losing their strength are carried, those who are in danger of falling are caught, and those whose light has gone out will have it rekindled.

GOD will accompany you through the times, until you arrive – eternally.

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