Message from Jesus Christ

Pay attention to what is darkly and ominously brewing, but do not give it importance, because the future is shaped by your hands and not managed by the old rulers of this world. It is over! The torment – under which people have stood through incarnations, alienated from the source and distanced from GOD, having to cope with existence after existence – is over! The light of GOD’s love is spreading in all ways – and all areas of life are now encompassed by this healing light of GOD’s love. People find resorts and solutions, they create paths and take courage.  The end of the world is canceled, the light prevails and triumphs over the darkness.

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
From the German original:
WAS KOMMT 2025? (Teil 3)

What is coming in 2025? (Part 3)

(Part 3 of 4)

The end of the world is canceled!

So do not be afraid and go to do your work of healing on this earth and on this mankind.

Pay attention to what is darkly and ominously brewing, but do not give it importance, because the future is shaped by your hands and not managed by the old rulers of this world. It is over! The torment – under which people have stood through incarnations, alienated from the source and distanced from GOD, having to cope with existence after existence – is over! The light of GOD’s love is spreading in all ways – and all areas of life are now encompassed by this healing light of GOD’s love.

People find resorts and solutions, they create paths and take courage. The end of the world is canceled, the light prevails and triumphs over the darkness.

Beloved human beings,

The year 2025 marks a new beginning and the breakthrough for the age of light. Due to the self-empowerment of people, the dark forces’ bleak visions of the future are losing their power. A new mankind is born and people rise to their true greatness and become aware of their power.

All soulless, non-human life forms will continue their games with soulless non-human entities on an earth created for this purpose. I tell you: no human who has chosen the light will be part of this world!

It is important that you internalize the choice you have made, and it is irrelevant where you stand today, which spiritual consciousness carries you through the days and with which eyes you look at the events. Only your choice is important for your future.

You will continue and complete your inner healing and clearing processes on a world in which you are surrounded by caring beings and supported by a loving environment. For truly, I say to you: ONE earth will perish and ONE earth will rise!

These developments will herald the year 2025 and the great cleansing will intensify and continue until the separation of the earth.

2025 with GOD

Do not be afraid! For heaven stands by you on every path! That is why a vibrant relationship, an intact connection to your spiritual reality is the linchpin of your happiness. To take deep root in yourself and expand into GOD, to see your body as the house of your inner treasures that will one day be left behind as you ascend with your inner treasures.

Therefore, in 2025, focus all your attention on the spiritual anchoring of your consciousness in GOD. In this way, you will no longer avoid the demands of daily life, but rather face them. Mastering life in the certainty of GOD’s presence in your daily life is the gift of time. Whoever is ready for this has everything!

Rise has begun!

The spiritual awakening of people continues and reaches a new dimension. Negative influences, manipulation and attacks on the freedom of the human spirit are being continued and intensified but are becoming less and less effective. More and more people can no longer be affected by the dark manipulators.

The rise of the world has begun as people move inwardly out of the lower planes of being and align themselves with the light, the higher being.

The self-empowerment of people that is now beginning creates clarity and makes the separation between truth and lies visible.

Where do you stand in this game? How do you answer the question concerning your goal?

So fear not! Because your inner treasure is the currency that counts now and opens all doors for you.

What does your heart want, what does your soul long for? Where is your spirit taking you? Who are you and are you completing the cycle of your lives?

In the number of 9

Everything is now made available to you so that you can rise above and transform yourself – and what previously seemed impossible becomes possible to you.

In the number 9, you leave the old behind and gather yourself for the new. Everything is given, because the year 2025 means the leap and the initiation into your new life!

While a great storm is brewing outside and changing the world, you will be transformed and remade on the inside.

So go in peace and live your purpose courageously – the time is now!

In infinite love

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