Adama of Telos
The great mystery of our time is that the massive consciousness processes that have been taking place inside more and more people for decades do not seem to have any direct effect on external events at first. This is because everything is working towards the tipping point. Until then, the old system and the old players seem to have the upper hand. However, nothing is more wrong than that, because: The end comes when no one expects it!
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
From the German original:
Love these days
Everything is subjected to healing!
Blessed are you human being, honored are you for your devotion, appreciated are you by your brothers and sisters within the earth and by the thrones in the infinity of creation.
Today shows the quality and nature of you. You have healed your heart and opened it so that all people can share in your love. Compassion and kindness, joy and peace, truthfulness and wisdom are your attributes. You have begun to reveal yourself to your fellow human beings in this way.
This leads to the healing of mankind and brings healing to the earth. What is sick will become healthy, for everything that lives will now be healed.
Even though dark clouds are currently descending over the earth and people are being assailed by fears, this is the time when everything is turned around and brought back into divine order.
The stranger things get on Upper Earth, the closer we get to the point where the pendulum swings back until everything finally settles in the middle.
The crazy thing about this time is that the crazy people have the big word and that they are given every stage to spread their hubris.
This is the only reason why the impression is created that everything is changing for the worse and that the end of the world is only a matter of time.
The mystery of this time
The quiet enlightened ones, the silent knowing and the silent awakened ones are not perceived on the world stage, as they fulfill their role differently and their healing work does not require this stage.
The great mystery of our time is that the massive consciousness processes that have been taking place inside more and more people for decades do not seem to have any direct effect on external events at first.
This is because everything is working towards the tipping point. Until then, the old system and the old players seem to have the upper hand. However, nothing is more wrong than that, because:
The end comes when no one expects it!
You are on the right path!
Today I give you the certainty that you are on the good, the right and the lightful path. I encourage you to continue to keep your spirit, soul and body healthy so that you can provide support, guidance and a living example to the people who look to you.
What good are the best words if there is a lack of action? What use is knowledge from books if there is a lack of personal experience?
Explore yourself and find yourself until external events can no longer unsettle you or lead you astray.
You want to be a rock in the surf, a lighthouse in the darkness, an anchor in stormy seas? Then love these days that are now available to you, because neither the fate of mankind nor your own future is predetermined.
The age of light has dawned!
People’s inner strength grows with each passing day. Every day, people begin to work in the vineyard of their soul. Every day, more and more people regain self-love.
What is currently still taking place invisibly in terms of salvation will soon determine the game and lift mankind as a whole to a new plane.
Do not worry about the earth or the continued existence of mankind but take full responsibility for your own life. In this way, everything will take its good course – the sting will be taken out of destructive potentials and dystopian scenarios will lose their inherent power.
The age of light has dawned on the Upper Earth! Those who can see and feel it are blessed, but those who help shape it know the glorious future, for they have long carried the new earth within them.
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