Message from Master St. Germain
The truth is: from a certain level of spiritual maturity, the longing for a person dissolves, as you can always be close to that person in one way or another. Earthly things no longer limit you, your horizon extends far beyond any human longing.
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
From the German original:
I am on 5D, my children are not – Do they miss me?
dear jahn, dear karl, dear employees,
thank you very much, dear jahn, for the 129th light reading. i’m still at the beginning, reading slowly, then i can enjoy it better😊😊)
here is my question for your book..: I am in 5D, my children may not, what happens…
I will miss them, do they miss me??? I have already received the answer to the first part…
in 5D I see the unity and don’t miss anyone. I didn’t really understand the second part.
thank you very much for your “effort”… thank you to the spiritual world…
best regards
birgit from berlin
New perspective
MASTER ST. GERMAIN: Beloved people, as soon as you return to the luminous realms of your heavenly home, you instantly gain a new and complete perspective. All lives are before you, all karmic, familial and spiritual connections are known to you. You have direct access to this knowledge and this not only explains everything, but instantly lifts you out of the earthly perspective.
Your earthly children or partners, whom you have had at all times on earth, may belong to your soul family or may have come from other soul families. It is important at what stage of development someone is. In the light, everything is defined by the vibration of a being.
Earthly relationships only last beyond an earthly life if there is harmony in the development on the level of the soul.
To answer your question:
After an earthly life, everyone finds themselves at the level that corresponds to their spiritual development, and everyone accepts this with joy or with less joy, in complete or incomplete memory, according to their consciousness. Imagine a school where there are many classes and during the breaks the children mix with each other. However, as soon as lessons begin, each pupil goes to his class, to his seat.
Regular visits
Yes, visits from the 5D plane to the 3D and 4D planes take place regularly, the reverse is impossible. This means that:
All beings on the denser astral planes receive support from the higher planes. Beings receive the greatest attention from the soul family.
Nobody is left to their own devices. Imagine the school again, where the better students tutor the slightly less talented students.
People from a soul family who are on the lower vibrational planes of 3D and 4D begin to miss their soul brothers and sisters on the higher planes of 5D, 6D or 7D as they awaken and as the longing for the light increases. Full remembrance sets in and the necessary steps are taken.
The truth is: from a certain level of spiritual maturity, the longing for a person dissolves, as you can always be close to that person in one way or another. Earthly things no longer limit you, your horizon extends far beyond any human longing.
So do not worry, for GOD in his grace has provided for everything and for everyone.
HIS grace is our protection.
HIS love is our support.
HIS greatness is our memory.
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