Conversation with Master St. Germain

The collective NO to dehumanization is the gift you are giving yourselves! What was darkly conceived fails on all fronts. Persevere and remain firm in your resolutions. Guard your living relationship with GOD and know that your spiritual families are always by your side. Trust in a good ending and awaken to your power. For everything that comes now forges you into true human beings and leads you to mastery.

photo credit: Andrea Percht

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
From the German original:

The collective no to dehumanization!

7 September 2023

Are the covid measures coming back?

JJK: Is the whole covid madness coming back together with the measures? Some things point to it. Israel has just reintroduced compulsory PCR testing for hospital visits and politicians are increasingly walking around wearing masks …

MASTER ST. GERMAIN: This is the master test for people to say NO decisively and irrevocably, that is what matters now.

JJK: Will it be many people, more than 3 years ago? How many people saying no will it take?

MASTER ST. GERMAIN: There will be far more of them than at the beginning of this crisis. This master test in saying NO, STOP and HALT is also the dress rehearsal for the final NO when it comes to imposing artificial intelligence on mankind.

JJK: I had to call an insurance company today and spoke to an AI. It sounded almost like a human, the AI female voice was almost indistinguishable from a real voice and gave me coherent answers to questions – really spooky …

MASTER ST. GERMAIN: These months ahead of you are particularly precious as you will experience for the first time what true self-empowerment can do and change.

JJK: Does that mean there will be “tightening” at first?

MASTER ST. GERMAIN: You are to be weakened and deceived in every conceivable way. Wherever you look when you look at contemporary events in this matrix, fears are being stirred up and the manipulation will continue until people lift their gaze and no longer believe the destructiveness.

You have been and are being prepared for this, because today more people are ready for this leap in consciousness than ever before. A certain amount of pressure is still needed so that people can prove what quality they are.

JJK: To prove to whom?

MASTER ST. GERMAIN: To no one but yourselves – to prove to yourselves that you can take life into your own hands and that you are no longer glued to the lips of those who bring destruction.

Man stands in his mastery and that means acting like a master. This is now happening in a new way, with unprecedented power and unexpected strength.

These contemporary events are GOD’s gift to people so that they can become aware of their power and experience themselves as divine beings of creation.

Master crises with self-empowerment!

The change is brought about by you because this is the only way you can live up to the standard of mastery.

All power and strength lies within you – knowing this is one thing, experiencing it and seeing the effects on the world has a completely different quality. Your NO brings results that you could never have dreamed of. Many people who master the coming crises with self-empowerment are now having this experience.

Awakening thus becomes a living experience, stored in your cellular consciousness – and that is all that matters now! The dark lords are completing their plans on a world destined for them. However, the human being is no longer part of it. You have left and find yourself in a different reality. This is the way, it leads to the truth and brings life.

JJK: What exactly will happen in the near future?

The upcoming time

MASTER ST. GERMAIN: At first, everything seems to follow the usual patterns, agony spreads and many people seem to obey. But suddenly there is a turning point and the end of all deception. The struggle for freedom and self-determination continues and more and more people become aware of the situation and their own power.

The collective NO to dehumanization is the gift you are giving yourselves!

What was darkly conceived fails on all fronts. Persevere and remain firm in your resolutions. Guard your living relationship with GOD and know that your spiritual families are always by your side. Trust in a good ending and awaken to your power. For everything that comes now forges you into true human beings and leads you to mastery.

All struggles and efforts, all challenges and trials serve you until you can accept and use your power. Your destiny is shaped by your decisions and your present and future are shaped. Once death is overcome, the living is manifested – then you are elevated and can reach GOD.

Mankind is awakening – the coming times bear impressive witness to this.

I am in your midst

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