Conversation with Babaji
Mankind is awakening on a scale previously unimaginable and beyond the control of those forces that oppose it. This is what is happening now – and it is happening with great speed and dynamism. You should focus on this fact when energetic or physical storm clouds gather and when your mood darkens.

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
From the German original:
The time that was promised to you …
3 September 2023
What’s going on with the weather?
JJK: What’s going on with the weather? There are now more and more sudden thunderstorms that seem to break out of nowhere, or “sheet lightning” that seem strange, almost threatening. Earthquakes, thunderstorms, wildfires, floods and hail in our region or volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and wildfires in other latitudes complete the spectrum of “natural phenomena” that are rather unusual in terms of frequency and force. Years ago, when I read Dr. Rosalie Bertell’s book “Planet Earth: The Latest Weapon of War”(10) , which is well worth reading, I began to see. Are the current weather and climate phenomena of natural or unnatural origin?
BABAJI: The earth makes itself new! Man is being reborn. The wake-up call is being given, all the changes are underway. The current light and weather phenomena have two causes:
1.) the fact that the earth renews itself and removes everything bad from itself and
2.) the fact that the dark weather makers are at work.
This means that the change and realignment of the planet are subject to both lightful and lightless dynamics and are brought about by both light and dark forces. In the end, both poles contribute to the success of the ascension and the awakening of people.
Forces that try by all means to keep mankind away from its natural and now sprouting longing for oneness bring about the exact opposite through their hasty and massive actions. Permanently confronting mankind with negative events always ends up making people resistant and throwing them back on themselves. Faith in institutions and individuals is lost. Liberation and self-awareness always require certain prerequisites and these are present in all areas.
Change without detours
As more and more people allow themselves to be touched by the divine light from the CENTRAL SUN, the forces of the cold light create more and more pressure – and pressure always creates counter-pressure! This means that the more massive the manipulations are, the easier it becomes for increasingly enlightened people to distinguish the true from the false. They quickly get into gear and reflect on their own power and strength. What we are seeing on earth today is a change without detours.
JJK: In other words, the destructive forces are just as important for change as the forces of light!
BABAJI: Their destructive rage means that what needs to be destroyed in order for good things to emerge is being destroyed at an unimaginable speed. The previously functioning systems are disintegrating and the dystopian plans are being rejected by the people. The forces of the cold light find themselves in a dilemma. This creates panic and leads to hasty action, which accelerates both the downfall and the ascension. What is happening is what is necessary for ascension and what lessons are still needed for the individual. Be certain of this:
In the end, the destroyers destroy themselves and, through their excess, help people who are ready for change to achieve freedom. In this way, those who create evil end up serving the good.
This is to be seen and it answers the question about the meaning of the current phenomena you mentioned at the beginning.
Are weather manipulations real?
JJK: So the weather manipulation is real?
BABAJI: A fact that initially destabilizes the planet’s electromagnetic field.
However, this accelerates the overall shift, as a great deal of wickedness and negative karma can be released in a very short time. This energy of liberation is necessary to achieve the “shift”.
All weather manipulations, however much they challenge and affect the individual, amplify the energy needed for ascension. From an overarching perspective, the spiritual unfolding of mankind is accelerated by artificial interventions in the Earth’s atmosphere. The forces of the cold light are thus achieving the opposite of what they want to achieve.
Mankind is awakening on a scale previously unimaginable and beyond the control of those forces that oppose it. This is what is happening now – and it is happening with great speed and dynamism.
You should focus on this fact when energetic or physical storm clouds gather and when your mood darkens.
JJK: So the dark forces serve the light change! Does so much suffering have to happen for this?
Why is there still so much suffering?
BABAJI: Every discharge serves the purpose of clearing! This also applies to unnaturally induced discharges!
The point is that these strange weather phenomena redeem the unfavorable karma of many timelines. Like a time lapse, entire epochs are healed and the contemporary history as a whole is raised to a highly vibrating level. Low vibrational fields are dissolving and this means that the people currently embodied can breathe freely, think freely and feel free.
The slavery of mankind ends through a new, free and holistic perception of the individual. Human consciousness is recalibrated and aligned with what is real.
The suffering we are experiencing today is the result of unresolved issues and not the result of new karma. Every person who does serious transformational work knows what it feels like to go through processes – and although stored pain does not always have to be passed through, it is sometimes unavoidable. Then, if the soul is to be helped to grow, it is necessary to go through pain one last time in order to transform it.
Please look at contemporary events from this perspective and you will always be able to make the right associations.
What is important is that the unnatural weather phenomena and the global climate campaign are causing more and more people to ask the right questions.
It would be easy to win people over if they were given their own room for maneuver. That has worked well so far.
However, the window of opportunity for manipulative interventions is closing and there is a certain urgency among the destructive entities. They put everything on the line and end up losing everything.
Lightful intervention and lightless encroachment are only two sides of the same coin, because ultimately both ensure a speedy transition of the earth into the light and the return of people to GOD.
JJK: So that we are getting into 5D is going to happen quite quickly now?
BABAJI: As fast as a time can be imposed on the present.
In the end, all is well, in the end the light triumphs, in the end love manifests itself in all human hearts – and we are getting closer to this end in no time at all.
The quintessence
So we too have reached the end of this message and the quintessence of this book:
Blessed are you who have followed these lines attentively, who search for the light within yourself and who understand life outside yourself as a lesson, as a miracle, as a gift, as a dream to be lived. What you are told about change has the value of a good or less good story, depending on the narrative. However, you can only experience what change really is within yourself.
Deep in your heart, you remember the time before the birth. You remember the moment when your life was revealed to you and the end of this time was promised:
I love you infinitely!
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