The Archangels

Breath by breath with GOD – that is the key to a happy life.


Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
From the German original:

Breath by breath with GOD

The love for GOD

Love for GOD is the soul’s yardstick. Everything is linked to the love of GOD alone and everything is connected to the love of GOD.

Beloved human being,

Suffering always arises because of your distance from GOD. The SOURCE OF ALL LIFE cannot reveal itself to you if you attach little importance to it in your life. As long as GOD has no fixed place in your life, HIS work remains unnoticed, unnoticed in the world and in your life.

In this way, you live cut off from this perception and you feel abandoned on earth. The hard struggle for life and survival seems inevitable and so you organize your life accordingly.

But a human being’s earthly years are short. Soon you will return to the light.

Once you arrive in your heavenly home, you realize how everything is connected and why you have experienced this separation from GOD.

You will be shown what role you played and why you were expected to suffer a certain fate. The suffering and pain of your past life will be healed. Gradually, the need to return to earth arises in you again in order to expose the separation from GOD on this plane of being as an illusion.

Up to this point, life follows life, because you incarnate in order to overcome the separation from GOD under earthly conditions. That is the only reason for your life on earth, that is why you were born repeatedly and that is the purpose of all human lives.

GOD no longer a stranger!

Today, the veil between knowledge and ignorance is becoming transparent. The dense fog is dissolving and the light is breaking through on all planes.

Today, the conditions are right for you to see through this game and to clearly recognize your role in it. This is how GOD can enter the stage of your life, because today GOD is no longer a stranger!

Now it is such that many people are afraid of the truth or they believe they are unworthy to meet GOD, and some think GOD has little to do with practical life.

Earthly things have to be arranged by ourselves, because life is a matter of external circumstances and our own decisions. However, this is only half the truth, where the most essential thing is missing – GOD.

Why do people only call out to GOD in times of need, and as soon as the need seems to be overcome, they forget HIM? Questioning this behavior means moving in the right direction – towards GOD.

The main cause of suffering is the absence of GOD in a person’s life.

It’s about having GOD by your side in your daily life. Breath by breath with GOD – that is the key to a happy life.

The only bond that remains

After such a life, you no longer return to this earth as a human being, but as a sage who lets people share in this knowledge. Then you will be the bright light on the hill and the stable anchor for the people of your time.

Now go, beloved human, and connect with GOD. It is the only bond that will last from eons to eons and beyond universes.

Everything changes, many things have to be transformed and some things have to be let go. However, the only bond that you should deepen, strengthen and never give up is your connection to GOD. Love for GOD grows from this closeness and it alone makes your soul blossom.

This is the big game and to stop participating in it is to have recognized yourself and found GOD.

GOD is hurrying to meet you on this path of knowledge.


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