Message from Babaji

Preserve your closeness to your spiritual home. Guard the flame of life! Strengthen your soul through the constant connection with GOD! The dark days pass and the light breaks through. When an abyss opens up in front of you? Pay attention to it, but don’t dwell on it! Focus your undivided attention on the light of being, on ascension and on GOD! The end of the earthly game can only be achieved with this attitude and only through your devotion to GOD.

photo credit: Alexandra Neubecker

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
From the German original:

Mastering the perception trap with GOD

Abyss and ascension

Is the world on the brink of the abyss or is the world on the verge of ascension? Let’s get to the bottom of this question.


Abyss and ascension are two sides of the same coin. What is ascension for you is the abyss into which the other person is in danger of falling. The decisive factor is which adventure your soul chose before it incarnated on earth. This explains why so many people are still heading towards an abyss without stopping to think, and it explains their blindness to the obvious.

Those people who are committed to the ascension are still in the minority, still are they being ignored, ridiculed or fought against. The pendulum has not yet swung completely in the other direction. However, it is already moving in that direction and so the day on which the great awakening becomes visible is near – very near.

Therefore, I encourage and exhort all people to shift their attention from the abyss to the ascension.

The longer you dwell on negativity and unspeakable evil, the greater the danger that you will become entangled in it yourself.

Many people who have determined their ascension prenatally are in danger of failing, as they can no longer free themselves from the negative influences and they themselves become what they secretly reject and fight against.

Do not let a fight be forced upon you!

It is therefore no longer necessary to seek conflict on the lowlands of the earth, but only to accept it when it is unavoidable.

Do not let a fight be forced upon you, but become sovereign in this respect too.

The longer you stand on the battlefield of this earth, the more difficult it is to come to your senses, because:

Even if you have to fight a battle, show your colors, it is about living your life instead of playing their game.

There are two steps to remove the system from within you:

1) Becoming aware that subconsciously running programs of the system have been installed in you.

2) Becoming aware that you can deactivate and neutralize these programs with the light of GOD.

Your deep spiritual roots, your true connection to GOD are the measure of all things today and bring the solution to every problem.

The challenges are increasing and growing. An abyss often opens up in front of you and you look for a way out. The ascension seems a long way off, as fears take over and can no longer be put aside. This is how the programming affects your mental and physical well-being. It is precisely in these situations, on days like these, that you need to bring GOD to your side and into your life. Because only with GOD can you permanently dispel the dark clouds of ignorance, hopelessness and doubt.

Mastering the perception trap

The perception trap that opens up in front of you every day creates a rollercoaster of feelings and emotions, and this must be mastered with GOD in your life and by your side.

He who has chosen the abyss shall find it, he who has chosen the ascension shall find it.

Because many people who are called to higher things are confused by dark energies these days and their own soul plan becomes blurred.

In this way, people’s lives and destinies get mixed up and many a life threatens to derail instead of being fulfilled.

Orient yourselves with GOD and hold on to GOD until you can stand alone, walk alone and make courageous decisions alone.

There is no alternative to GOD!

Beloved human being,

Preserve your closeness to your spiritual home. Guard the flame of life! Strengthen your soul through the constant connection with GOD! The dark days pass and the light breaks through. When an abyss opens up in front of you? Pay attention to it, but don’t dwell on it! Focus your undivided attention on the light of being, on ascension and on GOD! The end of the earthly game can only be achieved with this attitude and only through your devotion to GOD.

I love you infinitely

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