Message from Master El Morya
Focus on what YOU want and not on what others want or expect from you. Focus your attention on the essential! YOUR ideas, YOUR wishes and YOUR plans for the present and the future are essential. You decide where YOUR journey takes you! As you walk, you become aware of what you should be doing and where you can spend more time. What are your tasks, what are your assignments, where is your place?

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
From the German original:
You decide where your journey takes you!
Lots of trees
Everything happens according to GOD’s plan. Nothing is left to chance, nothing is subject to arbitrariness. What has to happen happens – and it happens in the care of GOD.
Be certain: GOD’s will becomes visible on earth and reveals itself to people.
Beloved human being,
You cannot see the wood for the trees, which means you get caught up in individual topics, you evaluate individual events and you look at the politics of the day with astonished eyes and ask yourself: “When will people finally come to their senses? When will the world come to rest and mankind find peace?”
You tend to deduce the great cosmic and planetary developments from individual events and it is not always possible for you to see the big picture.
You become entangled, your confidence wanes and with it your belief that mankind is about to turn the tide at this very moment in history and take lightful control of its own destiny.
Now it is such that the dark entities will not rest. They will not let go of their monstrous activities and although they know that they have lost the game, they maintain the appearance of their power and invincibility. This is their last card, their last trump card, which is still able to deceive many people.
The truth is:
●Those in power have lost their power and yet it seems as if they have more of it today than ever before.
● Those in power have lost their comrades-in-arms and yet it seems as if they are constantly gaining new comrades-in-arms in the misled people.
● The rulers have been abandoned by those magicians who possessed true power and knew how to use it, and now operate in the dark themselves.
● Those in power are at odds with each other and different forces are pulling in different directions.
JJK: How could the illusion that we humans are hopelessly at the mercy of sinister plans be maintained for so long?
The media
MASTER EL MORYA: This illusion is fed by the media. Every second of every day, horror stories reach you from the ether. Whichever newspaper you flip through, whichever device you look at, you are being fed articles and images around the clock that reinforce this impression. You will continue to believe this illusion until you have convinced yourself that the exact opposite is the case.
And you can only convince yourself of this by only consuming as much of these news as is really necessary and by activating your inner channels as much as possible.
The whole truth, the whole knowledge, the comprehensive understanding of things as they are, you find within yourself. The key lies in connecting with your spiritual core, your only reality.
Your daily struggle
How are you going to stay sane during this time and how are you going to extract the real meaning from events if you are flooded with negative news every day?
In fact, it is a daily struggle, because you have to learn to distinguish lies from truth and illusion from reality.
The deeper you get involved in the socio-political debate, the more at risk you are of seeing only trees and no longer the whole forest.
Therefore, reflect and generate new knowledge, knowledge that is given to you internally and revealed through your consciousness. Change your perspective and take a sharp but calm look at contemporary events with eagle eyes! Connect with yourself and with nature! Connect with the earth and with the sun! Connect with your incarnated and non-incarnated spiritual family! Meditate, immerse yourself in your soul and you will see true life.
Saying goodbye to the daily global political battlegrounds and refusing the destructive pull of negative news means emancipating yourself – and that is what matters now.
This does not mean you should bury your head in the sand and ignore the negativity, it means you should shift your focus and commit to your own healing and consciousness work first. Too many people look anxiously at the world, they freeze at the strange events and they develop fears because they are inundated with dystopian future scenarios.
Where does the future lie?
However, the future is in your hands, it is in your hands. How do you want to help shape the future in your lightful spirit if you are constantly preoccupied with the destructive plans of others?
Focus on what YOU want and not on what others want or expect from you. Focus your attention on the essential! YOUR ideas, YOUR wishes and YOUR plans for the present and the future are essential. You decide where YOUR journey takes you!
As you walk, you become aware of what you should be doing and where you can spend more time. What are your tasks, what are your assignments, where is your place?
Tackle this question until you have found the answer or until it is given to you. Then decide how you want to deal with good or bad, frightening or encouraging news.
You have a place in this world and you play a role in this game. Search for it or let your assignments find you, anything else is a waste of your life.
Rise up, beloved human being, and distinguish truth from illusion – and live YOUR life on earth with GOD.
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