Conversation with Master St. Germain

The silent majority will precisely reject this final act of enslavement. The people will wake up en masse at the right moment and say NO, HOLD IT and STOP unmistakably! Not on our watch! Everything is aimed at this grandiose moment in mankind’s contemporary history! This is what you need to assess and anticipate in order to keep your nerve and persevere. The dark elites are counting on a maltreated mankind giving in in the end. This is a gross miscalculation, because even if this is very much in line with the pattern of past eras, we are living in a completely different quality of time today.

photo credit: Andrea Percht

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
From the German original:

The “silent majority” ends its silence!

The power of silence

JJK: Is there a “silent majority”? Is the tipping point related to this “silent majority” speaking out? I often have the impression that a lot more people are fed up with the system, i.e. the lies of the media, the incompetence of politicians or the stupidity of “experts”, than is apparent at first glance! But you don’t hear them because they suffer in silence, usually because they simply don’t know a way out. What if this silent majority stands up? Is that what we are waiting for and what ultimately matters?

MASTER ST. GERMAIN: It is not necessary to wait for the silent majority to develop their power, because even a silent majority has power and effectiveness. It is a mistake to regard the silence of many people as consent or as powerlessness that cannot be overcome. A silent protest can have much more impact than all the demonstrations in the world put together.

You just have to do it right, and doing it right means no longer participating in the system wherever possible. Opting out in daily life is what matters.

JJK: Many people now have major existential worries. People are slowly but surely being deprived of everything. The financial hardships are also serious in our part of the world and more and more people simply cannot afford to live. Of course, I am aware that certain forces are deliberately driving this system up the wall, that they are deliberately starving people just so that in the end they will accept any new measure, no matter how inhumane. At some point, people become so soft that they only have one thing in mind: to somehow survive! This is the speculation of those forces that still believe they have a tight grip on people and the world. I am well aware of that.

My question is:

People who are constantly struggling to survive have no way of getting out of the system, as they can no longer participate in it anyway. What is the solution here?

The crux of the matter

MASTER ST. GERMAIN: Your view is incomplete. Because someone who – for the reasons you mentioned – can no longer participate in the system is open to change. Those who have nothing left to lose take risks and dare to do things that would be unimaginable under normal circumstances. This is what the old rulers of the system are counting on. They rely on the fact that the dispossessed and disenfranchised are easy to control and will accept any risk for their survival. They are counting on the “New World Order”, with all the inhumanity it entails, being accepted and embraced by the people in the end. That is the crux of the matter, because:

The silent majority will precisely reject this final act of enslavement. The people will wake up en masse at the right moment and say NO, HOLD IT and STOP unmistakably! Not on our watch!

Everything is aimed at this grandiose moment in mankind’s contemporary history!

This is what you need to assess and anticipate in order to keep your nerve and persevere.

The dark elites are counting on a maltreated mankind giving in in the end. This is a gross miscalculation, because even if this is very much in line with the pattern of past eras, we are living in a completely different quality of time today.

For years, the silent majority has been supplied with impulses of enlightenment by the divine light of the CENTRAL SUN. This was the preparation for what is now coming: the awakening of the part of mankind necessary for ascension.

What precedes these days is that more and more people are voluntarily leaving the system or are being forced to leave.

Both act as amplifiers for the clarifying processes that are necessary for ascension.

JJK: We experienced this in Austria when the government introduced the covid vaccine. People had already taken to the barricades beforehand, but once this madness was introduced, there was no stopping them. I saw people at the covid demonstrations who had probably never been to a demonstration in their entire lives.

Was this already a foretaste of the “silent majority”, who suddenly showed their colors loudly?

MASTER ST. GERMAIN: This was the overture for what now follows.

For the Silent Ones are indeed a majority and this power will make nonsense of all the plans of the dark elites. The timeline towards which the new mankind is moving has been shaped for decades, shaped by people who have experienced a touch with the light of the CENTRAL SUN and have slowly transformed themselves inwardly as a result.

Now these sleeping giants are gradually waking up or are being woken up by the storms of the time. This tips the scales and turns the game in the end.

GOD’s plan for the earth is its ascension and not its downfall! Internalize this deep in your hearts! Pay no attention to the doubters or your own doubts!

Will there be a collective awakening?

JJK: In other words, although I keep realizing how numb the people I meet in my daily life are, there will be a collective awakening.

MASTER ST. GERMAIN: To the extent that it is necessary for the ascension, the awakening of the human collective will take place. The fact that many people have chosen a different path and will not awaken in this time of grace remains unaffected. However, the mass awakening will also be recognizable as such.

What has already become apparent in some countries during the covid pandemic is becoming visible: The silent majority is ending its silence!

JJK: It feels like we’re on the verge of this “grand finale”?

MASTER ST. GERMAIN: Imminently, yes! The year 2024 will set the course. Towards the end of next year, the victory of the light will be felt for the first time and come within reach. So it is and so be it!

I am on earth, I am among you today.

In complete love

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