Message from Lady Nada
You see the dawn of the new day, but you often look at it with the heaviness of the transient day. A long journey lies behind you and all your experiences are stored and present within you. So you draw conclusions, you know the suffering and the pain, you have seen people make mistakes and worlds perish. Based on these experiences, you tend to assume that a world conflagration will ignite this time as well and that mankind is doomed again.
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
From the German original:
Move out of your fear!
A feat of love
It’s time to face your fears and live free of fear.
It is time to be self-confident and act with confidence.
Beloved human beings,
The spiritual planes of light, angelic beings in particular, have positioned themselves around the earth and on the earth in order to bring about change with you and to make the upheaval as harmonious as possible. Nothing is left to chance or to those forces that want to bring destruction.
In a joint act of love, heaven and earth move this star to a higher plane of being. Those who cannot or do not want to go with them will remain unaffected by all these events. This creates the impression for you, who are inwardly ready to cross over, that everything will remain the same or deteriorate.
Because the people who want to preserve and protect their old life in the matrix at all costs are – still – in the majority. This is why the illusion persists that change is no longer possible and that the unequal battle between those who have held power so far and those who have not yet accepted their own power – i.e. you – has already been decided in terms of the cold light.
Indeed, beloved human being, this battle has already been decided! It has been decided in favor of the Light, in favor of all Warriors of the Light and Lightworkers who have dedicated themselves to this task with all their heart and soul for years. It is completely impossible that this project of mankind’s ascension can still fail and it can be said with absolute certainty: THE LIGHT HAS SUCCESSED ON THE HIGHER PLANES AND WILL TRIUMPH ON EARTH.
I am stating this certainty as an introduction. I remind you of it so that faith in it will prevail.
This certainty nourishes your confidence and strengthens your will, because now it is time to persevere and continue with the lightful work unwaveringly.
Highs and lows
Day after day, you face the challenge of mastering your daily life. Above all, it is about dealing with the various interference fields, the manipulative forces and the encroachments of a system that has degenerated into itself. You are challenged and often reach your mental and physical limits.
At the same time, you experience flights of fancy and spiritual experiences of a new quality. The divine light breaks through and it breaks through into your heart. If you love, if you are happy, if you feel life, if the world is in balance and if your relationships are clear, sincere and vital, then nothing and no one can harm you.
Your days are shaped in this way and you oscillate back and forth between spiritual highs and emotional crashes – a rollercoaster of feelings that you are exposed to day after day.
It is time to step out of this rollercoaster of emotions and anchor yourself fully in the fullness of GOD.
Today’s consciousness work is about stabilizing a lightful basic vibration so that the excesses of this time can no longer damage you internally. Today is about taking the next step away from fear. Because consciousness work always takes place step by step.
No one will ascend to heaven on the fire horse until they can tame and ride the fire horse. Because even in your ascension, it is important to consciously experience every section of the path and thereby achieve spiritual maturity for the ascension.
Let’s get to the bottom of things
The only reason you are often moved back and forth in the middle of your daily life is because of fears, fears that reach you from your environment and destabilize and unsettle you. You live in a world in which fear scenarios are transported on all planes. This happens in order to push you down and block your life force.
This way you remain dull. You only believe what you can see with your eyes and you can no longer trust what you feel with your heart.
In this way, negative scenarios of the future can become ingrained in you and suddenly a negative outcome of the current earthly game seems inevitable to you due to entrenched thoughts. This is a person’s perception when the vibration of fear settles in their energy system. But I say to you:
The only development that is indeed inevitable is the victory of light over darkness, the triumph of love over fear.
Becoming fear-free, living fear-free and acting confidently – but how – be aware first, loved ones: This is a process.
A life free from fear is achieved through consciousness work. It is a process in which your heart and mind are gradually freed from all the burdens that fear triggers in you. Becoming fear-free means mentally recognizing the trigger points of your fear, feeling them emotionally and healing them in the divine light. Psychological therapy is helpful, but usually falls short when it comes to fear, because all imagined and real fears are embedded as energy signatures in the human aura.
That is the crucial point. That is why so many people go round in circles, despite dragging themselves from therapy to therapy. When it comes to healing fears, it is insufficient to address only the plane of the mind. Although the mind can be calmed with arguments and explanations, the energetic structures stored in the aura remain. Fear therefore also remains. On a purely mental plane, the human fears can never be overcome!
In order to achieve the permanent removal of fear patterns, it is necessary to look deeper.
This is the plane of the soul and spiritual force field of your aura, the energy field that immediately surrounds you and, depending on your consciousness, extends and expands centimeters or kilometers around your solid body. Fears become blocked in the energy bodies of the aura, the etheric body, the emotional body, the mental body and the spiritual body. It is insufficient to heal just one plane.
This is why this consciousness work is crucial for anyone who wants to achieve lasting healing. Because here and now you can accompany certain fears through all planes and release them on all levels. People often only tread water because not all planes of healing are involved.
The correct sequence for effective healing is always:
1. to develop an awareness of the need for healing.
2. to look at the issue and call it by its name.
3. to ask for healing on ALL PLANES. The divine light works unfailingly into your issues.
4. the repetition.
After that, everything takes its naturally divine course.
You say: “I’ve been doing the same thing for years, but I still have fears?”
I’m telling you:
It is a process that touches all planes of your being – and that takes time. Every healing process takes time because you always have to integrate the new energetic state. Your life changes, not only do you become someone else, but everything changes. You gain a new perception, a new dynamic emerges. With every fear you release, you become increasingly free. Your thoughts, your feelings and your perception change. Your relationships and friendships change. All of this has to be integrated and that means giving your transformation time and being patient.
Because even every spontaneous healing is preceded by years and often many lives of preparation.
So first have patience with yourself, compassion with yourself and love for yourself. It happens, rely on it. Your soul knows your true dispositions and needs, it knows your soul plan and your pace, it knows how you are moving towards certain forks in the road and how you will decide.
Your soul knows you and so your soul also knows your healing process. Your soul knows how serious you really are and how much time you allow yourself for certain realizations. Enlightenment is only an option for very few people, because that would mean dropping out of the game for good. That is why many people hold on to parts of their old life, they guard their opinions and beliefs like treasures and often only move away from them bit by bit.
Your transformation takes place to the extent that you are willing to change and commit to concrete changes in your life.
Do not complain, but if you do not succeed, check your dedication and your actual focus.
Every transformation thrives on unconditionality and is all the more effective the more resolutely a person approaches the transformation.
This brings us to the most important point as a prerequisite for any healing: to engage with the divine light and develop an awareness of it!
Many people want to end their downward spiral but avoid doing what is necessary to do so. Every healing, however, obeys the inner direction and will of the person. How serious are you about coming to a realization? How deep do you want to dig? Do you want to heal completely or are temporary healing successes enough for you?
This is where our healing work today begins. It goes far beyond mental understanding and it touches ALL PLANES of your wonderful being.
If you want to remove fears from your aura, this is now happening thoroughly through all energy bodies – and for most people who are now following this transmission of light and love energy, this is happening on an unprecedented scale.
After that, you will feel liberated and certain fears will have left you once and for all and will no longer be a burden.
Affirmation & exercise
I, (state your name here),
● Please close your eyes now.
● Breathe in and out calmly, relaxed and naturally.
● In and out, in and out.
● Expect nothing, desire nothing, be empty and ready.
● Let the inner images come up, look at them without judgment.
● Simply acknowledge the worries and fears that are showing themselves to you now. Accept them, be at peace and love what you see.
● Continue to breathe calmly and evenly.
● You are relaxed.
● You accept – everything.
Now the divine light begins its healing work:
● The divine light is at work.
● The divine light is active.
● The divine light heals.
Now observe how certain fears dissolve – easily and by themselves.
You are free!
I thank GOD for this grace.
(end of healing)
The fewer fears are stored in your aura, the more self-confident you can live and the more self-assured your appearance will be.
Only people who are masters of their natural fears and who have removed all imaginary fears from their being can decree a healthy self-confidence.
The fewer fears weigh on the soul, the more self-confident a person is. Self-confidence is always blocked by fears and undermined by fears. It is therefore important not only to recognize fears, but also to remove them where they have become lodged as energy.
Aura surgery with GOD as doctor and with the divine light as medicine is highly efficient and leads to lasting healings.
You can repeat what you have learned today at any time.
Be aware that after a while your perception will change and that means that your life will also change. Welcome this change! If you are afraid of change, start by asking yourself: Why? What am I afraid of? And use this exercise to start releasing your fears.
Natural fears, which are designed to protect you from harm, provide you with a valuable service. Unnatural fears that prevent you from living a self-confident life need to be released.
How can you tell the difference? Natural fears come and go, unnatural fears won’t go away and stay.
True greatness, true self-confidence
Beloved human being, you have reached a point where you can no longer continue with the methods of the transient matrix.
You know it, you experience it, you feel it, that the New Age has dawned and that you have come to play your unique and indispensable part.
You see the dawn of the new day, but you often look at it with the heaviness of the transient day. A long journey lies behind you and all your experiences are stored and present within you. So you draw conclusions, you know the suffering and the pain, you have seen people make mistakes and worlds perish. Based on these experiences, you tend to assume that a world conflagration will ignite this time as well and that mankind is doomed again.
However, you have learned your lessons from the past and that makes all the difference! That is why you are indispensable today. Because people like you, who look at themselves in the mirror of truth and see the course of the world unfiltered, people like you, who have renounced the false gods, such as greed for power and egoism, determine where the journey is now heading.
This is underway and imminent:
● Not a downfall, but an ascension.
● Not extinction, but redemption.
● Not a takeover by dark forces, but the handing over of the earth into your light hands.
Fears from the past continue to have an effect, which is why releasing them is a top priority.
Nothing is more important today than for individuals to dedicate themselves to redeeming their unreasonable, false and imaginary fears. For then and only then can you attain true greatness and blossom into true self-confidence.
Well done, beloved human being,
Move away from your fear! Walk in the care of GOD and in your rhythm towards freedom. Your gift will be LIFE and – LOVE.
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