Conversation with Sananda

The longing for GOD is placed in every person’s heart and it awakens as soon as the heart is freed from the overlays and blockages, from all the garbage that has accumulated in the many incarnations. This is why introspection and healing work on body and soul is so important – until the breakthrough is achieved, until you can feel and perceive GOD in your heart. Then you can deal with answers just as calmly as with unanswered questions. Then both will have the same validity for you.

photo credit: Andrea Percht

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
From the German original:

Preparation for ascension

How much longer will this go on?

JJK: The situation in Russia is calming down and President Putin has – once again – succeeded in preserving oneness. How long will this game, in which mankind is on the brink of collapse in many areas, go on?

SANANDA: The end will come on the day when the critical point in mankind’s awakening process is reached. We are approaching this point in big steps, in very big steps. Then the earth will be transformed and in a very short time you will emerge from the transformation processes as newborns. The basic energetic constitution of the human being will be realigned, body and psyche will be adapted and raised to the divine vibration.

The necessary preparations must now be made in order to fulfill the requirements for this redefinition.

A process of remaining anchored in GOD, unwavering in TRUST and unconditional in LOVE despite all the madness you are now encountering – that is the exercise.

True masters are not born but forged by events!

JJK: That means – to hold out until day X?

SANANDA: That means to live until day X, to live the positive and lightful visions and to ask the spiritual light into your heart, to continue your healing and to experience and feel the connection to GOD every minute.

To engage ever more deeply with GOD and no longer count the days, weeks or months to ascension, but to celebrate the minutes you spend with GOD – waiting for ascension is only a wait as long as there is separation between you and GOD.

As soon as you perceive yourself every minute in the awareness of HIS grace, this state of restlessness ends – serenity and peace set in.

JJK: How is closeness to GOD created?

SANANDA: The longing for GOD is placed in every person’s heart and it awakens as soon as the heart is freed from the overlays and blockages, from all the garbage that has accumulated in the many incarnations. This is why introspection and healing work on body and soul is so important – until the breakthrough is achieved, until you can feel and perceive GOD in your heart. Then you can deal with answers just as calmly as with unanswered questions. Then both will have the same validity for you.

JJK: Everything is then “equally valid” but not “indifferent”, right?

SANANDA: An awakened person allows GOD to lead them into the answers and is not manipulated by the restlessness of the mind. In the presence of GOD, the mind calms down and all needs are extinguished.

Will the lame be able to walk and the blind to see?

JJK: Will we ascend with the body? I’ve asked this many times.

Due to the many changes that are constantly taking place, this question is topical for me again today. Will our bodies really be rejuvenated, will teeth grow back, will the lame walk, the blind see and the deaf hear after the earth has been lifted up with the people? I heard this recently in a video by Kerry K. (2) Will this be the case?

SANANDA: Every person will experience this time differently. There are ascensions in different ways.

However, those who contribute to and continue to shape this earth, who actively participate in building the new mankind, will be granted the grace of all-round renewal in all their limbs.

In the process of ascension, human cells are recalibrated, re-infused with light and given divine healing vibrations. People are becoming fully conscious fifth dimensional beings and shedding the inert mass of a 3D body. A complete reshaping of your physique and psyche for all who continue to serve in this world. Many people will give up and shed their earthly bodies during this time.

Every person lives up to their divine destiny. Every person receives life in this world or in another world according to their divine assignments. Everyone and everything is taken care of. So it is forever.

This is where we end our conversation today.

Trust in time! The Guardians of Time will accompany you to the threshold of timeless existence. For in the hands of GOD is creation and from the hands of GOD all life receives HIS GRACE.

In infinite love

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