Message from Lady Nada

No one will be given the power to do what is now looming menacingly before you and instilling understandable fears in you. There will be peace, freedom and coexistence among human beings in a way that is almost unimaginable today. Even if lightful activities are increasing worldwide, the Golden Age of Peace cannot necessarily be predicted at this time. Too many interference fields, too many manipulative forces are at work in this world and all too often you know neither one way nor the other – and yet: the outcome will be a good one, the end will be a lightful one and the new mankind is being born right now.

photo credit: Andrea Percht

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
From the German original:

The final result will be a human one!

Peace will reign!

Beloved human beings,

Events are taking their good course, as the lightful intentions of more and more human beings are having an effect. Even if a minority causes a great stir by catering to human beings’ fears on a daily basis, the project to take over the earth will fail. No one will enslave this humanity, dehumanize it and transform it to such an extent that in the end it will no longer be possible to speak of humanity. No one will be given the power to do what is now looming menacingly before you and instilling understandable fears in you.

There will be peace, freedom and coexistence among human beings in a way that is almost unimaginable today. Even if lightful activities are increasing worldwide, the Golden Age of Peace cannot necessarily be predicted at this time.

Too many interference fields, too many manipulative forces are at work in this world and all too often you know neither one way nor the other – and yet: the outcome will be a good one, the end will be a lightful one and the new mankind is being born right now.

Now you are being refined in the fire of GOD and now you are becoming the overcomer of all difficulties placed in your path by non-human entities. You have reached the level of maturity where you grow in the face of challenges. You have learned to overcome threats instead of being broken by them – and you gain new strength after every struggle that is forced upon you.

Everything that now looms dark and gloomy makes you wake up, makes you become active, makes you take up the work for a glorious and human future.

Invitation to the idlers

This time is an invitation to the idle.

It calls on those human beings who have so far inactively counted on other people to take care of certain matters for them to take action themselves.

Things will not sort themselves out, but through the vigorous utilization of your power. This time brings this urgency into the light because events are exerting such pressure on individual human beings that they have to take matters into their own hands and find their own way out.

That is why this time is so valuable: the individual human being steps out of the shadows into the light and takes responsibility for his or her own life.

All higher authorities from politics, business, religion or art have lost their credibility.

These points of reference for human beings have lost their influence. Wherever human beings turn, the old systems and their upholders only serve as deterrent examples instead of providing support, security and orientation.

The new is emerging from this chaos – and the new is not a new world order in the old spirit and through the old spirits. The truly new consists of human beings renouncing destructiveness and constructively creating a new way of living with and for one another.

The change is happening, the transformation is underway and the final result will be a lightful one, a human one and a divine one:

• Peace emerges as mankind awakens

• Oneness is achieved as mankind overcomes separation

• Freedom prevails because the individual respectfully accepts the boundaries of his neighbor

Your soul knows the plan

The rulers and dominators of mankind have had their day on this earth. The transition of mankind to the next higher plane of consciousness can neither be hindered nor thwarted.

Only those who inwardly resonate with the old matrix and channel a large part of their energy into and from this matrix will participate in the old “new game” and find themselves in a dark future.

The lightful outcome, the ascension of mankind and the inclusion of the planet in the universal Star Federation of Light have been decided.

We are in the midst of this uprising – and in the midst of this process it is important to remain in deep trust and to connect to the inner knowledge of the rightness of all events.

Your soul knows the divine plan for the earth and GOD’s plan for you. Therefore, remain at peace, remain calm and remain in trust – at all times and all days.

The world is rising and human beings are ascending. The most sacred process in GOD’s creation is happening – and it is happening with and because of YOU.

In infinite love

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