Message from Jesus Christ
Many who have been warriors of light from the start have neglected to do their homework, and are holding on to things, situations and people that they should long have let go of. This is addressed now and lives are shifted. There is no more time for detours or long breaks, because the shift of the earth is coming about and the transformation within you is happening. God takes you by the hand and leads you to the springboard to freedom.
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations
The springboard to freedom
Love and live!
Love your life and live it like the master that you are!
Don’t let anything or anyone deter you from the path of light, the path of love and the longing for perfection. Transform your issues and search for the master within. That’s where you will find everything.
The time of gurus is over! You are called upon to look at life itself as the masterclass, because you are facing the truth everywhere – both the unresolved and the resolved are reflected in you.
Your surrounding is your study platform, and your fellow human beings are the mirrors that matter now.
Each person and each situation can now be your master and will bring you closer to your mastery.
What’s important is that you expose yourself to it and make the connection between your and the things that happen to you in your daily life! Life wants to be lived, it is right there waiting for you!
And so it happens that people are confronted with their still unresolved issues with incredible directness. Everything that doesn’t yet represent a viable basis for a life in unity and peace is now examined – and so fatal events present themselves so that you can let go of ONE thing and turn to the OTHER.
Many who have been warriors of light from the start have neglected to do their homework, and are holding on to things, situations and people that they should long have let go of. This is addressed now and lives are shifted.
There is no more time for detours or long breaks, because the shift of the earth is coming about and the transformation within you is happening. God takes you by the hand and leads you to the springboard to freedom.
Don’t dodge yourself any longer, rather pluck up courage and look at the world inside you with an alert mind and with new eyes.
Enlightenment happens once the unenlightened has stopped resisting.
I love you endlessly
This is the video of the current Light Reading, which is held in German.
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Inhaltsübersicht und Zeitleiste:
0:00:00 Einweihung in das lebendige Christusbewusstsein 0:24:20
0:24:00 Bis die Liebe fließen kann (Live-Botschaft)
0:34:00 Kurze Buchpräsentation “Bis die Sehnsucht dich finden kann”
0:39:45 Das Wollen des deutschen Volkes
0:50:45 Sinnt niemals auf Rache!
0:56:30 Vergebung – aber WIE?
1:06:00 Gibt es eine Hölle?
1:12:00 Von Riesen, die sich klein machen
1:15:30 Was ist spirituelle Basisarbeit?
1:25:20 Lass dir Zeit mit dem Retten der Welt!
1:27:15 Der zündende Funke
1:32:30 Der Robotermensch hat keine Zukunft!
1:42:00 Karte für 2023 – aus dem schamanischen Seelenorakel
1:47:00 Was kommt 2023?
Schlüssel zum Weltfrieden (pdf) – Babaji
MP3 Download der Lichtlesung
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