The Archangels
In the upcoming months a huge dynamic will unfold. A game that seemed lost will be enriched with spiritual human energy, and the tables will turn.

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations
Time works in favor of the light!
The world is upside down!
Love is the key, light is the doorway, and truth is the path.
Beloved human,
The world is upside down! Nothing is as it was before. The future, which still isn’t written, is determined in this very moment. Everything that is now manifesting is influenced by you. Please become aware of your present responsibility and power. This is the time when all individuals share the responsibility for the changes that are about to come:
• This happens when you make the right choices for yourself.
• This happens when you courageously think with your own mind and feel from your heart.
• This happens when you detach yourself from the current mechanisms of fear and no longer allow yourself to be influenced by them.
• This happens when you – wide awake – know and live your earthly missions.
Now it so happens that more and more people awaken. Because the witch-hunt on this earth keeps reaching new levels, and more and more human beings are affected by the injustice and despotism of those in power. This causes an increasing number of individuals to ask questions and to look for answers and solutions.
Even unlikely individuals awaken, rise or turn away from this increasingly abusive matrix. Soon each and every person will be affected by the dark plans in one way or another.
And so it happens that people turn their backs. There are many who risk their lives rising up and in doing so preserve their salvation and their lives.
But there are even more who, up until the very end, refuse to see, hear and awaken.
And so it happens that mankind is split into two groups: those who play along and those who refuse to!
Initial spark of light
While this is happening, the spiritual light from the CENTRAL SUN is reaching higher and higher octaves. This causes realignment in those who haven’t yet made a decision, or don’t know what to do or how to proceed. Because of the initial spark of the spiritual divine light, many can hop on the train of ascension at the last minute.
While mankind seems to be wandering through deepest darkness, the exact opposite is happening on a spiritual level. Human hearts are becoming lighter and lighter, and more and more individuals are plucking up courage and becoming aware of their own strength and power.
The outside pressure causes the inner opening in people. Instead of feeling sorry for themselves or feeling helpless, self-confidence and power are the attributes of the NEW human being.
And this is contagious, contagious because individuals who are still hiding their light under a bushel are encouraged and inspired by these pioneers to follow suit.
In the upcoming months a huge dynamic will unfold. A game that seemed lost will be enriched with spiritual human energy, and the tables will turn.
Time works in favor of the light. The truth will emerge everywhere and the individual will be guided back to their spiritual path.
Darkness only has one purpose: to make you recognize yourself as light and love. NOW!
With endless love
This is the video of the current Light Reading, which is held in German.
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Inhaltsübersicht und Zeitleiste:
0:00:00 Bis die Sehnsucht dich finden kann …
0:21:00 Liebe ist die Antwort (Live-Botschaft)
0:31:30 Buchpräsentation mit Prophezeiungen aus “Elija Prophezeiungen”
0:44:15 Würdigung von Dr. Hannelore Beckh-Widmanstetter / Wie alles begann & Botschaft
1:00:00 “Könntet ihr das nur sehen …”
1:09:00 Organspende, Organentnahme, Bluttransfusion – Antwort auf Leserfragen
1:13:15: Ihr selbst werdet euch retten!
1:21:00 Hervortreten der Lichtkrieger
1:24:00 Dein Kampf
1:27:40 Es wird keinen Weltuntergang geben!
1:29:00 Wie gehe ich mit Ängsten um?
1:32:30 Go(o)d Vibrations
Schlüssel zum Weltfrieden (pdf) – Babaji
MP3 Download der Lichtlesung
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