Message from Archangel Ariel

Nobody who meditates is per se a better person because of it. Nobody who meditates automatically becomes a loving and compassionate human being. For that, it takes a longing for God and the clear focus on God!

photo credit: Andrea Percht

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations


Is someone who meditates a better person?

Why do you meditate?

Are you more loving and compassionate after meditation? Are you touched by God’s wisdom during meditation? If so, you have captured the essence of meditation.

If meditation serves you as a relaxation technique or as therapy to avoid a feeling of despair, your practice is merely mental and not spiritual.

Make a choice and become aware of the way how and reason why you meditate. Is it the longing for God or mental concepts that cause you to take a seat on your meditation cushion? Both reasons are honorable in the eyes of God. But the distinction between the two is essential for you, so that you can understand the cause of your action and put it in the right context.

Nobody who meditates is per se a better person because of it. Nobody who meditates automatically becomes a loving and compassionate human being. For that, it takes a longing for God and the clear focus on God!

Who or what is at the core of your meditation or your prayers?

• Are you filled with the longing for God, or are you still involved in humanity’s games and still floating from one shore to the next?

• Do you love meditation techniques more than pure devotion? Do you have a clear goal – GOD?

• How mature is your soul, how great is your longing, how deep is your yearning?

The answer can be found in the way you meditate. Have the courage to look inside yourself, because knowing where you actually stand is the first step to higher consciousness.

I love you endlessly,


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Inhaltsübersicht und Zeitleiste:


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1:20:30 Schreckenszenarien ist Sprengkraft genommen!

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1:43:05 Verabschiedung mit Morgenspruch für die Klassen 1-4 von Waldorfschulen



Schlüssel zum Weltfrieden (pdf) – Babaji
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